Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [be] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The kind of areas that will be covered in this course component are types of schools , their structure , management and ethos , the roles and expectations of both teachers and pupils , teachers ' working conditions and status , pastoral care and discipline .
2 Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce is tops with turkey .
3 Furthermore , the states of a theorem prover are sets of axioms and proved assertions , and these are easily remembered , so it is easy to keep many states simultaneously .
4 A steady-as-you-go approach to the future of milk marketing was advocates by chairman Andrew Howie and approved by producers at the annual meeting of the Scottish Milk Marketing Board .
5 Another CBoT innovation was options on futures contracts , which were initiated in 1982 with options on the US T-bond futures contracts .
6 Among proposals to combat noise pollution are alterations to road surfaces , reductions in aircraft and vehicle noise , controls over burgular and car alarms , better sound insulation in buildings and a " quiet neighbourhood " scheme are proposals to be examined to combat noise pollution .
7 Included in the proposals from the Merseyside Development Corporation are plans for offices , industry , leisure , car showrooms and a fast food outlet .
8 The ‘ standard ’ divider size is 18″ × 19½″ , but other sizes can be provided on request .
9 The restriction sites shown on the long-range restriction map and the cDNA map are sites for Bss HII ( B ) , Cla I ( C ) , Eco RI ( E ) , Hin dIII ( H ) , Mlu I ( L ) , Msp I ( M ) , Not I ( Nt ) , Nru I ( Nr ) , Pst I ( P ) , Sal I ( S ) , Sfi I ( F ) , Taq I ( T ) and Xho I ( X ) .
10 On the black walls of the tomb chamber were scraps of graffiti written in the eighteenth dynasty , a thousand years after the pyramid was built .
11 Covering the brick floor were piles of scrap — rusty cracked drain pipes , guttering , old kitchen ranges , wooden tubs for oddments , such as nuts and bolts , square wicker baskets that held rabbit skins , cotton , wool , crates into which jam jars were stacked , the variety was endless .
12 A person 's date of birth or driving licence number are examples of data .
13 IQ king is tops in GCSE
14 Your GP and your health visitor are sources of help , and can arrange suitable treatment , or refer you to someone who can help you .
15 In a small glass cabinet are examples of Tennyson 's clay pipes and writing quills .
16 And the galleries that ran before successive doors , were at all seasons places of free air ; and in the summer season were places of mirth and glee , and active happy industry .
18 Moments of structural crisis in a nation state are harbingers of revolution and inevitably give rise to the necessary social and political climate for the production of revolutionary literature .
19 But in the potato channel are lumps of earth and a few stones masquerading as vegetable , and in the stone channel a few potatoes pretending to be mineral .
20 North West are six-hits in Cup
21 Whereas the major newspapers of Nigeria and the Gold Coast were organs of protest and political agitation , those of East Africa were , from the start , ‘ vehicles for the culture and concepts of the rulers , with the considerable resources of white capital at their command ’ .
22 Constipation in young children can be defined by a stool frequency of <3 per week , but passage of painful bowel movements and stool retention are symptoms of constipation even when the stool frequency is 3 per week .
23 On the stone loading-bay were bags of sand and cement , ladders , piles of scaffolding , and a bright yellow concrete-mixer , incongruous against the decaying splendour of its background .
24 Decorating the walls of this particular coffee shop are pictures of EOKA gunmen , reminders of past struggles .
25 ( Simulations and the Tribble Concordance are cases in point . )
26 Joining the V power unit are refinements like air conditioning and leather trim indoors .
27 On the right hand of the screen within the Time section are icons for Article , Charts , Photo , Video , Cover and Map .
28 For an ascent of the Whymper Couloir of the Aiguille Verte for instance , a midnight start and a six hour target time are prerequisites to success .
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