Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [conj] a [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They 've set up a pyramid hotline where a tip off is passed along the line .
2 A fumble from the Tranmere goalkeeper and a thump in from Swindon 's Dave Mitchell .
3 A Washington was in the hangar under going a double engine change and a tail steady had not been fitted under the rear fuselage .
4 Erm yeah can I have erm a garlic bread and a Coke please .
5 I was sep separate and apart from that , they would have to have a operating room and a dispensary there , you see that 's what they would have to have , I mean , if there gon na have P D S A premises , this is what you 've got to have , cos very often the animal has to be put under and all sorts of things , you know what I mean , it would n't be just an office with say like a physician and a tenants , it would be a case of a , a surgery and things in that nature which would be required by , er quite a number of animals .
6 The range of attitudes is illustrated by strategies that state , at one extreme , that ‘ all people should be provided with access to public transport services for three return trips a day to the nearest market town , providing for a journey to work in the morning , a mid-day shopping journey and a journey home in the evening … ’ , and suggest , at the other extreme , that all ‘ deep ’ rural areas should have a public transport service to a local centre on at least two days a week or that all sizeable villages should be served by public transport on one day a week ( Adams et al .
7 A penalty goal by Smith after a lineout barge and a goal nicely dropped by Matthews from the short side of the scrum , briefly gave Gloucester the lead .
8 For nearly ten years a jungle war of incredible savagery had been fought over the same jungle tracks and expanses of savanna grassland where a decade later the Americans would lose to the Vietcong .
9 The stone barn over here is to have stabling for two horses , a harness room and a hayloft above .
10 The only one of the three daughters around was Dorothy , who acted as our guide and mentor and came with us , first on a visit to Speight 's Brewery which was memorable for the guide , who delivered her monologue in a deadpan voice and an accent so broad that even Dorothy had trouble understanding it , heaven knows what all the Japanese tourists made of it ! — and second , on the Taieri Gorge railway , an afternoon 's ride up into Central Otago , with stops along the way .
11 Or they can converse in a sense that they can get a chord progression or a melody together that actually works , and says something , irregardless of the words .
12 Pascoe looked round hopelessly for a pen and paper , then memorized the information Thomas gave him — a room number and an address close to the edge of Zone Two .
13 There 's always a chance that one of us will miss a telltale pattern or a problem somewhere . ’
14 So , for example , a letter and a phone call are good but a letter , a phone call and a visit even better .
15 It is a Court of Appeal decision in which it was held that the use of the words ‘ mother ’ and ‘ care ’ in the title of a book Mother Care/Other Care published by Penguin Books — a serious sociological study of problems faced by working mothers who delegated the care of their children to others — was not a trade mark infringement nor a passing off , and Mothercare UK Ltd were not entitled to an injunction restraining Penguin from publishing , advertising or selling the book .
16 In paragraph four , page six , we do make a small point about the financial implications er on of course that has been resolved because of er the resolution carried forward in the budget debate and a note there about central training which I could er just , just explain slowly because I have had a number of questions about this .
17 As a refinery supervisor or a supervisor out in one of the British Aerospace factories , you have to get things out that day .
18 ‘ It 's a high-speed collision sport and a prop forward always takes the brunt of the punishment .
19 So I would suggests he erects a collection box and a sign clearly marked asking for all car owners to pay their levies .
20 MBO and venture capital fund investors are only slowly appreciating that the trade-off for the lower risk inherent in transactions that are more carefully selected and more conservatively structured than those typical in the mid-eighties has to be lower anticipated rates of return , whether the exit is via a trade sale or a flotation on to a less than receptive equity market .
21 Such a change can be positive , giving a breathing space and a chance not to become too fixed in outward images .
22 In the case of a word processor , there 's usually a border around the working area and a menu either along the top or the bottom of the screen .
23 We 'll be previewing the new speedway season , there 's a look at the greyhound news and a round up of all the local leagues , so stay with us for the next hour .
24 She heard the outer door close and a moment later Dana stormed into the bathroom .
25 Another time he was out with his watercolour box and a horse suddenly bolted , dragging a coal cart from the entrance to Ryn station at a mad gallop .
26 Later they went shopping in the markets and bought her red plastic plates and incense and spaghetti and him a copper kettle and a book so heavy that he could hardly carry it he said .
27 It should be decided whether PR should act in a ‘ technician ’ or ‘ policy-making ’ role , the implication being that a technician simply carries out top management orders whereas the policy-maker inputs into corporate strategic plans .
28 Alberto Ascari ( Ita ) and Gonzalez finished second and third in the 1951 World Championship but a year later Ascari won the title as Ferrari team-mates Farina ( Ita ) , Taruffi ( Ita ) and Fischer ( Swi ) occupied second , third and fourth places .
29 It was hidden away down a dingy little cul-de-sac ending in a railway embankment and a station hardly anyone used any more .
30 Give any movement in directors ' interests in capital of any member of the group between the balance sheet date and a date not more than one month prior to the date of the notice of the AGM .
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