Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [conj] [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You might go and collect , oh er what Coliupe Collium , Collium Maculatum , spotted come up , you 'd go and cut it , you know , bring it in , get the Succus Conium that would keep you going , you know , sometimes he would he 'd say Oh blast you , we used two garlands of it .
2 Our campaign has consistently urged the Government to undertake a full and proper defence review that would determine what our commitments are , and are likely to be , and what level of resource needs to be made available to meet them — whether from the Army , Navy or Air Force .
3 The European Commission have agreed an action programme that will take us into the next century and this is despite the attitude of the present U K government .
4 June brides will have to start planning for the big event about now , so in Secrets of Success we show you how to cook the perfect wedding buffet , with salmon and salads , and , of course , a three tier wedding cake that will make 'em gasp .
5 The Government are currently considering the findings of the recent review of meat hygiene enforcement and will announce their decision as soon as possible .
6 Mansell 's first taste of Indy action will be in California in December when he tests the monster motor that will hurtle him to the threshold of survival in the most hair-raising episode of his race career .
7 In giving orders to subordinates , an official will go by the rule book and will blame someone else for the existence of the rules where his decision appears inappropriate .
8 His prize was three hundred pounds and the silver cup and let's hope his is not the last name to get engraved on the Tour of Cotswolds Trophy
9 I received with much pleasure the token of your friendship which you have sent me this morning in the way of [ a ] dram Bottle and shall treasure it up until I reach the wilds of the beautiful country I anticipate so much pleasure in exploring .
10 The voyager 3 is an excellent winter sleeping bag that will keep you warm in very low temperatures .
11 Some commentators suggest that the power deters supporters from rebellion since they would be reluctant to create a situation in which they could be faced with an arduous election campaign that could jeopardise their seats .
12 However , it suffers from the drawback that each consultant is defining his own case type and will do it differently from another consultant in another hospital .
13 After a spot of scrambling below the summit of Carn Mor Dearg , the only intimidating section is at the other end , just below the boulder field that will take you to the summit of the Ben .
14 The agency functions under the supervision of the state auditing board and must submit its audited report to parliament from year to year .
15 The lathes were serviced with a light oil film , draped in it as if to give them an overcoat protection that would ensure their survival against age and wear .
16 In this fascinating introductory Sideshow , she offers a number of choice things that range from small , long drop , earrings in silver and in pine that is coloured either red or green and retail at £10 a pair , to much larger things such as the brass and oxidised copper weighing Scales with their central zigzag column motif that will set you back a mere £270 .
17 As you would expect of Britain 's leading publisher of legal information for business and industry , we have devised a loose-leaf reference service that will keep you up-to-date monthly with all the important legal developments likely to affect your business .
18 Meanwhile , Olympic gold medallists Steve Redgrave and Matthew Pincent have won a sponsorship lifeline that will keep their Atlanta dreams alive .
19 It scampered towards the cat door that would give it access to the bigger house at the end of the row , but suddenly it stopped .
20 Roycroft and Smith worry about perverse incentives : the fact that hospital treatment costs nothing , while people have to pay for the home care that will keep them out of hospital .
21 Tears burst from his eyes when we were leaving South American soil and stepping aboard the cargo ship that would deliver us in Panama .
22 Many people who have no hearing loss at all , people who have very acute hearing , experience tinnitus and may find it hard to tolerate .
23 We check out a sound card that will make them eat their words — the Laserwave Plus .
24 They identify people who need counselling help and may refer them to the priest or minister ; they recognize their own rituals as important aids to grieving .
25 Mr Fu , probably illiterate , can not get the kind of job with a township enterprise that would enable them to keep up with the Lis .
26 We ought to focus on the practical and urgent business problems we have of managing our growth and creating a business strategy that will unite us . ’
27 In the Severn Estuary , N. lapillus reaches Sand Point above western-super-Mare ( Boyden et al. , 1977 ) but is confined to the lower shore up channel from Minehead , a distribution pattern that may reduce its exposure to water of reduced salinity .
28 He 'd probably be impressed with the pre-game presentation and would find he could really ‘ get stuck in ’ during the flight sequences .
29 The 1986 NACAB AGM overwhelmingly passed a resolution expressing concern that the proposals might change the fundamental character of the CAB service and might prejudice its independence , would cut legal services and reduce freedom of choice of legal service to the poor and would damage working relationships between CABx and legal aid practitioners , other advice agencies and law centres .
30 Many of them offer a mail-order service or can give you details of your local stockist .
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