Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [pron] [vb past] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The end labelled probe was mixed with 20µg of protein extract which had been preincubated with 5µg poly ( d ( I-C ) ) and single stranded or doubled stranded competitor DNA .
2 The Cornish lands , however , do not fit into the normal pattern of tenures , for demesne exploitation there had been abandoned before 1300 , if indeed it had ever existed ( 76 , pp.10–11 ) .
3 The canal boatmen who came to live in Fisher Row upon the opening of the Oxford Canal in 1790 were a colourful group with distinctive dress , customs and style of boat decoration which had been developed in the previous two decades upon the canals of the Midlands .
4 He challenged the validity of a search warrant which had been obtained from a sheriff , alleging that statements by inquiry officers about a flickering light being seen at a bedroom window were a blatant and malicious fabrication .
5 BEIRUT — Syrian forces freed a Lebanese air force pilot who had been picked up by a gunboat after ditching his plane in the Mediterranean yesterday , Reuter reports .
6 In Kaye v Alfa Romeo ( GB ) ( 1984 ) 134 NLJ 126 the plaintiff 's damages in an action against the manufacturers of a seat belt which failed were reduced by one-third because of his own negligent driving .
7 The Wasserschutz Polizei , or River Police launch , Whose arrival had been expected much earlier , turned on its blue flashing light and jauntily turned to take station upstream , in order to intercept any barge or ship choosing to ignore the river closure order which had been imposed by the river authorities for the night .
8 In that case the plaintiff , Dr. Roy , had begun an action in the Queen 's Bench Division against his family practitioner committee seeking , amongst other things , payment of part of his basic practice allowance which had been withheld by the committee , following their decision that he had failed to devote a substantial amount of his time to general practice as required by the relevant regulations .
9 They had managed to buy the son of inexpensive terrace house which had been built at the end of the nineteenth century for workers and which still continued to be in a working-class area .
10 Lafaille rapidly reached his previous high point and bivouac , and recovered the sleeping bag he had been forced to abandon .
11 When the Hewers bought Vine House it had been used as a dormitory for an air Force course int he village during the war .
12 Two weeks later , Henry changed his will and excluded Gardiner from the regency council which had been appointed to rule during the minority of his son .
13 It 's simply the reason it was done that way was to reflect a County Council decision which had been taken fairly recent times on the route of an outer as opposed to an inner .
14 It was a large , first-floor apartment which had been furnished as a suitable setting for an up-and-coming superstar .
15 She was a thin , long-waisted girl of about thirty , with a bony , intelligent face and a cap of dark curling hair which had been layered by an obvious expert , and no doubt expensive , hand to lie in swathes across the forehead and to curl into the nape of her high-arched neck .
16 In December 1983 , the Lord Chancellor dismissed for misbehaviour an Old Bailey Circuit judge who had been fined £2000 on two charges of smuggling whisky and cigarettes .
17 Despite a long history of hostility between the two organizations the tone of the seven-hour meeting was described as good-natured , while the joint peace strategy which emerged was seen as a positive development .
18 Bowls of the clear chicken soup they loved were put on the table .
19 A 59-YEAR-OLD woman WHO tried to burn down a council flat she had been evicted from narrowly escaped prison yesterday .
20 Their targets were ostensibly bases of the Kurdish Workers ' Party ( PKK ) guerrilla movement which had been used for cross-border attacks .
21 The arrangements for auditing were reorganized by the Local Government Finance Act 1982 and the Audit Commission it established was given powers to undertake ‘ value for money ’ studies designed to help the efficiency of local authorities .
22 i A coach tour operator has been fined £800 for allowing smoking on a coach tour which had been advertised as a smoke-free holiday .
23 It would , of course , be far fetched to compare the plight of the French fighting the Japanese in Vietnam with that of the Polish Home Army who had been destroyed fighting the Germans in Warsaw in 1944 although , in one respect at least , the failure of the proximate military power to lend assistance meant that others , who were more responsive to the plight of the Poles and the French , did what they could from a distance to help .
24 At 6 o'clock I dialled the telephone number I 'd been given ‘ for emergencies only ’ .
25 Now I 'd also in this time rung up the er forwarding address in Manchester , rung up the telephone number I 'd been given of the forwarding address .
26 While she was away , she made a quick phone call to the British Intelligence number she 'd been given .
27 Thus the historical approach to the development and distribution of savanna vegetation which had been developed by M.M.
28 Apart from the provisions on young offenders , the Act contained administrative changes , including one dear to the heart of the Home Office which had been tried before , but withdrawn by the Home Secretary in the face of strong criticism when the Criminal Justice Bill 1947 was considered at Committee Stage in the Commons .
29 And besides the coincidence of his getting a new handler , without explanation , right after the disaster , Coleman could not help remembering the schoolboy password routine he had been given on joining the DIA .
30 The context was an action in the Norwegian court to set aside a retrospective tax assessment which had been raised by the Norwegian tax authorities against the estate of a deceased taxpayer who , it was alleged , was the beneficial owner of the assets which he had not declared for tax purposes .
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