Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] [noun] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The allocation of the rate support grant took account of both variations in need and variations in resources among local authorities .
2 Would not the appointment of a British Rail ombudsman restore confidence to this small part of the state sector ?
3 Collections Hair Club make waves with this beautiful halo of colourful curls
4 A wild card search enables specification of both wild strings and characters .
5 Spring snow supersedes powder for some skiers .
6 Soon we 'll bring you an Aran sweater to make use of these and other raised patterns .
7 Section I of the Partnership Act defines partnership in this way :
8 Perhaps more worrying for the Government is the attitude of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , who was reported by a most reliable gossip columnist called Peterborough in that impeccably Conservative newspaper The Daily Telegraph as saying that it would have been better if there had been no deal at all .
9 6.2.1 submit to a statement in such forms as shall require in respect of the preceding accounting period giving details of all Licensed Products leased or sold by during the preceding accounting period including details of the net selling price of the Licensed products and the amount or amounts due to , and
10 A spokesman for the ambulance service said 95pc of all emergency calls in rural areas were responded to within 19 minutes , the government guideline , and that this ambulance had taken 24 minutes to arrive .
11 The new basic rate is £1.50 per £1,000 sum insured and the premium shown on your Renewal Notice takes account of this new rate .
12 The guaranteeing bank receives commission for this service .
13 Reply by the closing date to take advantage of this special arrangement .
14 The hypothesis holds that the stock market takes account of all relevant information in valuing a company 's shares , with the result that the underlying realities of the company 's business are fully reflected in share price .
15 When the only choice appears to be between continuing depression or continuing the various problems associated with drink or drug use , it is small wonder that sufferers from Chemical Dependency constitute 30% of those people who commit suicide .
16 Niki at Group Montage in Sheffield used Clynol 's Salon Formula finishing products on this style
17 He 's one of 21 dogs from 8 forces in Wales and the South West taking part in this year 's Police Dog Trials at Wiltshire Constabulary headquarters .
18 Prior to the 1966 Act there had been a duty imposed on the National Assistance Board to give assistance to those in need by the payment of national assistance , but no corresponding right for individuals to receive assistance .
19 There are something like 2,000 pieces of delegated legislation brought into force every year in the United Kingdom and a recent article in Statute Law Review drew attention to some of the difficulties which are likely to arise in discovering what local instruments are in force and what they say .
20 The marriage ceremony gives recognition to this .
21 It has long been recognised that the proper and effective investigation of child abuse requires co-operation between those agencies with child care responsibilities .
22 Would buyers not assume that a valuation based partly on an expert test implied endorsement of that test by the surveyor ?
23 In financial terms the sale will be justified if private sector ownership improves efficiency by more than the huge point-of-sale loss to the Government plus the £175 million or so privatisation costs .
24 In financial terms the sale will be justified if private sector ownership improves efficiency by more than the huge point-of-sale loss to the Government plus the £175 million or so privatisation costs .
25 McAllister , who had put the doll down , and was now fetching out her work basket to embroider pansies on some fine lawn dresses made for the bazaar by the aforesaid ladies , said , ‘ I did n't mean to become involved , you know , but Matey has been so kind to me — when not slave-driving me , you understand — that when she asked me to accompany her I had not the heart to refuse , and strangely , after I began to work for the bazaar , I found that it was most rewarding . ’
26 Is English law right to define rape in this way , and thereby to exclude from this offence such conduct as forced oral sex ( fellatio ) , cunnilingus , and buggery ?
27 Probably she went into the Fir Tree or the village shop to get change for those calls .
28 Much of Morton 's expansion in Europe has been achieved by acquisition , and these companies are being integrated not by imposing a monolithic European headquarters , but by an operating group taking responsibility for that product throughout Europe .
29 But now both the academic board and the management team viewed Bernard with some apprehension , fearing where his energies would next take him .
30 Strategically Integrix plans to create a one-stop shopping service providing resellers with all the basic components of a Sparc up to a fully configured system .
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