Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] have be [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 It was the story of a lifetime , the story I had been born for .
2 I must say , something about this small encounter had put me in very good spirits ; the simple kindness I had been thanked for , and the simple kindness I had been offered in return , caused me somehow to feel exceedingly uplifted about the whole enterprise facing me over these coming days .
3 In her days as a schoolteacher she 'd been known for the quickness of her wit and her clarity of thought .
4 Nell guessed from the centrifuges and freezers what type of work they had been designed for .
5 By the time of Fritz and Hitzig 's work it had been known for nearly a century that electrical stimulation of nervous tissue would produce movements .
6 All I wanted was to be left alone to get on with the job I 'd been trained for and loved .
7 One afternoon we had been taken for a walk up to the top of the mountain behind the camp , which had been good exercise ; from the top I had been able to see the sea .
8 ‘ The money we have is spoken for and the queue gets longer .
9 There is a well known Peanuts cartoon by Charles Schulz in which a girl is sitting at her school desk querying the C-grade she 's been given for her ‘ sculpture ’ made from a coat-hanger .
10 Borrowing from the public is more or less finished , perhaps it is finished for our lifetime , but at any rate it has been finished for the last ten years or so ; you may get in a bit one year but you lose it again the next year .
11 In theory he had been prepared for it all along , but that it should happen now , right now …
12 ‘ This is the life I 've been trained for and I want to carry on for as long as possible .
13 But it is also the tragedy of William Bentley , a tragedy because he too is a boy caught in circumstances which he is incapable of understanding and which will , finally , leave him totally unfit for the life he has been trained for .
14 This approach , a very recent development for credit in this country ( though of course it has been accepted for many years as the basis of car insurance ratings ) , started in America .
15 Even now , the only substantial reason I have been given for stopping the work , is that BW themselves propose to upgrade the towpath along the whole length .
16 That 's correct , and that the further down , I mean it says that er there is a er it says that the reason you 've had been the reason you 've been sent for this treatment is because of er a particular condition you 've got .
17 He asked members to support the motion so that the Attorney General as a member of the Government and as leader of this profession could convey to the Government our sense of disgust at the way we had been treated for so long ( sustained applause ) .
18 Almost without exception we 'd been knocked for six .
19 By the end of the sixteenth century it had been compounded for a cash payment from the counties and had thus become a straightforward tax .
20 In seven years driving a cab this is the first time I 've been done for anything .
21 ‘ It will be the third time I 've been measured for a blazer — but I missed out on the last two ( matches ) , ’ Lane added .
22 This time she had been sent for urgently because Nigel had taken a turn for the worse — in fact , had nearly died after his peritonitis operation .
23 Farmyard , horse , cow , pig , sheep , goat , poultry and similar ‘ raw ’ manures are all very variable because they must depend upon the food intake of the animals concerned , and the age of the manure — the time it has been stacked for nitrogenous urine to have drained out or been decomposed .
24 It was probably the first time he had been asked for such a drink , despite his long years of service .
25 His games connection that year was more than just a marketing one ; it was also the third time he had been chosen for the Scotland team as a pole-vaulter .
26 Bissett 's difficulty lay in the time he had been allocated for his paper on the theoretical dimensions of the device .
27 What task he had been bred for .
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