Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] be [v-ing] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The role of a supervisor varies , depending on the level of work you are doing and the conventions of supervision for the department you are in .
2 The cost of your expert will depend very much on the type of expert you are instructing and the type of report that you request .
3 She stared ahead of her to where Wind Street met High Street but she did n't see the portico of the inn she was passing or the ornate facades of the tall houses ; she was acknowledging to herself that she was falling more and more in love with Craig Grenfell .
4 As the repression increased , more and more of our time was spent denouncing human rights violations , And it was n't just the management we were fighting but the army and the security forces as well .
5 Its two most recent decisions on the Government 's power to restrain publications by former Crown servants — Spycatcher and the Cavendish Memoirs — were marked by references to the Convention and by an obvious desire manifested by most of the judges to ensure that both the law they were declaring and the decision they were taking in accordance with it would be seen to comply with Article 10 .
6 ‘ Another 400 or 500 letters to Mr Howard might just help to remind the Government it is n't just the Labour controlled council they are hitting but the people of Langbaurgh , ’ she said .
7 Since most versions of legal theory are at least partial visions of law it is unsurprising that the criminal law will throw up both confirmations and refutations of most legal theories .
8 So th the case you 're putting that the that the pensioner trustee er ship is more powerful than you originally put cos until now you 've been put it in grounds of i the trust should be repre representative of it
9 Though , the case you 're putting that the , the pensioner trustee er ship is more powerful than you originally put , cos up to now you 've been put it in grounds that it 's the trust should be repr representative of it
10 At the moment , within the group I 'm co-counselling as the others are burnt-out .
11 If dyspepsia is to be used to identify a particularly high risk group ( such as coal miners ) , then we must know the rate of dyspepsia in the group we are studying and the extent to which it differs from that in the general population .
12 There appeared to be some problem with our papers regarding the tonnage we were hauling until a 20DM note was produced and we insisted that we did not require a receipt .
13 Because of the kind of job they 're doing or the fact that they 're getting a wee bit more pay ?
14 It took six days to replace the locks on the car , and all the while I was worrying that the thieves might try to steal it .
15 ‘ The criticism we are getting and the fact that everybody is writing us off does n't bother us a bit .
16 The interviewer may be expecting certain answers and qualifications from the person she/he is interviewing but the overall impression of yourself which you create in the interview is equally important .
17 ‘ Avast , ye swabs , ’ she shouted , astonished by the hoarseness of her voice , ‘ belay yeselves an' man the mizzen-mast. 'T IS a stormy course for Far Tortuga we 're sailin' an' the cap'n 'll not rest easy at the bottom of the sea 'til the treasure be ours ! ’
18 He 's the man I was fighting when the soldiers found me on the marshes , Pip .
19 She was floating along the aisle of a dimly lit church , the only reality the beautiful white dress she was wearing and the man waiting for her at the altar , and even he was shrouded in a mist , preventing her from seeing his face .
20 The reason I am suggesting that the church of Christ lives in this subcultural world is because I want to insist that God 's spiritual family , as well as the human family , has also been radically altered by modernity .
21 Well one of way doing it is actually to expand , be very up front in terms of the information you 're supplying and the way you actually supply it .
22 By concentrating on the international dimension of the UK 's crossroads we are saying that the structural changes are conditioned by the UK 's international position — — however we conceive it — and are at least partly determined by structural changes in the international economy .
23 ‘ We talk to them about the style of service and food they are planning and the figure we recommend is often less than they had estimated , ’ he says .
24 None can work well in isolation and for that reason it is reassuring that the CBI , in pressing its case for the TECs to be the local regulators of vocational training , stresses the importance of the young person 's ( and the adult worker 's ) " personal file " , building on the existing good practice of records of achievement in schools .
25 Joanne was quite happy with the way she was teaching until the GCSE began to be talked about , particularly in relation to its emphasis on investigative work and school-based assessment .
26 What you pack apart from the camcorder itself depends on the kind of holiday you are planning and the amount of luggage you can reasonably handle .
27 It is more important to be clear about the links between the way they are behaving and the situations they are in .
28 Where this has happened , middle-level managers , according to Richards ( 1987 , p. 27 ) ‘ for the first time in their working lives ’ have been able ‘ to see a connection between the activity they were authorising and the cost of carrying it out ’ .
29 Sophie relayed the information to Mr Miller , who shrugged irritably and told her to be as quick as possible , but the traffic was heavy as she drove out of the town and all the time she was praying that the cat 's leg would not be really broken .
30 Not just in England but throughout the world about taking the technology we 're developing and the branded services and deploying them on their systems .
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