Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [vb past] i was [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The first time i spotted a puffin I thought I was seeing things .
2 At first glance I thought I was looking at a cross between a gibbon and a goat .
3 That 's not me by the way in case you thought I was phoning myself it 's not me .
4 ‘ I have a machine , ’ I faltered , but from the look in her eye I knew I was defeated .
5 The first lecture I gave I was going on about the different approaches to psychology .
6 But in a little while I knew I was to have a child . ’
7 I was shaking and sweating so much in the confessional I thought I was going to faint .
8 Three helico , oh , or helicopters went over three times in the night I thought I was gon na raped and pillaged but no luck !
9 The night I arrived I was walking around the streets on my own looking for work .
10 Last night I dreamt I was eating a rubber NME .
11 In a fitful sleep I dreamt I was swimming through drowned villages .
12 As he walked on to the first tee he could n't get any proper words out at all , and so I was frightened to speak to him in case he thought I was teasing him .
13 The next thing I knew I was looking straight up the barrel of this gun because the Fairey Fox was no more than 12ft away from the cabin and the pilot was very annoyed .
14 In my rejection of the image I saw I was making a statement , the apparent text of which read , ‘ I do n't want to look like ( be ) that . ’
15 was n't really a technical situation I thought I was told yesterday that the erm letter from the Inspe the Pollution Inspectorate was a matter of opinion .
16 That summer I thought I was going to be able to work in the shop full-time up until I started at St. Martin 's School of Art in the autumn .
17 In a funny way I knew I was going to need treatment .
18 Historical metaphors can never do justice to the complexity of a country 's past , but at this early stage of my trip I felt I was beginning to discern a snake 's energy and inertia in Peru 's past .
19 In one way it was good to have success so quickly , but in another way it meant I was facing things for which I was n't really prepared .
20 ‘ At the time I left I was regarded by everyone as a failure , ’ he said .
21 ‘ At the time I left I was regarded by everyone as a failure , ’ said Francis on the eve of the Coca-Cola Cup tie with Rangers .
22 So every time I thought I was dropping off they 'd start .
23 At the same time I felt I was owed an explanation .
24 Dana did not reappear for a few days , and during that time I felt I was going mad .
25 ‘ I wondered this afternoon if something was wrong , then when she belittled her headache I thought I was over-reacting . ’
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