Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] up from " in BNC.

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1 The fragment of the Quimper dish she had picked up from the dustpan on the kitchen floor that day when she and Thérèse had seen , when she saw , when the lady had shown herself for the second time .
2 Holding the red Conway Stewart pen she had picked up from the grass , she went over the scene again and again .
3 It hardly seemed fair to keep them in the cage she had made out of an old claret case she had dragged up from the cellar .
4 Oh absolutely , yes I 'm not arguing about that , and as I said , heaven forbid that should happen , erm another point I did pick up from one report was that in the eight years war , and you 're quite right , the Iraqis are battle hardened , but the Iranian air force apparently could n't bomb Iraq to any great consequence except for the first few weeks of the conflict .
5 Er , no , no , we were , I mean last night we 'd gone up from the week before on a rave , we 'd had about si ninety in , and last night we had about two hundred and fifty .
6 Donna sat in the sitting-room , glancing endlessly at the sheets of paper they 'd picked up from the bank that day and also at the notes Ward had left .
7 Gradually the haze and sweat cleared from their eyes and they focussed over the open valley they had cycled up from .
8 The plaited bamboo walls curled tightly round a stout frame of beech poles , cut and stripped by Rima with the big bush knife he had brought up from the trade-store when Joseph had run down to tell him the news .
9 Horowitz nodded as he followed Hendrix out of the cabin , carrying the case he 'd picked up from the Frankfurt villa in one hand , his executive case in the other .
10 I tried to free it , using the cloth I had brought up from the hall to gain a better purchase .
11 He eyed Fenella uncertainly and Fenella , who was becoming impatient , said , ‘ Well , for heaven 's sake — ’ which was an expression she had picked up from Snizort and Snodgrass and which was as meaningless as most of their expressions , but descriptive of strong emotion .
12 Besides these photographs were Pedro 's polo helmet , which now had a map of the Malvinas stamped on the front ( which Angel always wore in matches ) , and a jar of earth he 'd dug up from the Islands on the day he 'd been sent home as a prisoner of war .
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