Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [be] [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 In soil geography it is generally suggested that the systems approach was formally applied by Nikiforoff ( 1959 ) although earlier he had distinguished accumulative and non-accumulative soils and so implicitly involved an open system attitude ( Nikiforoff , 1949 ) .
2 1 patient proved positive but because the patient was an injection drug user undergoing lymph-node biopsy it was reasonably assumed that this was not an occupational exposure .
3 To give the settlement greater weight it was also agreed that Henry should take to wife Catherine , Charles 's daughter , whose hand he had sought in negotiation some years earlier .
4 In this study it was also confirmed that the fast eye movements were associated with passages of vivid dreaming involving tracking of moving images , but the measured direction of movement of the eyes did not correspond very well with reports of direction of movement of objects in the dream .
5 The most important ingredient in the construction stage is time but , although this is sometimes a source of worry at the beginning , in practice it is often found that this stage is less time-consuming than the planning stages .
6 ( b ) Counternotices Where the initiator of the review is required to specify the proposed new rent it is sometimes provided that the figure so specified shall be the new rent unless the other party serves a counternotice within a given period .
7 In a commercial or industrial setting it is often assumed that organisations try to maximise profits as their main goal .
8 In the field of cancer therapy it is well known that irradiation can cause tumours and yet they can also be treated by radiation and many of the drugs used in chemotherapy for tumours can also cause tumours .
9 On a second or subsequent marriage it is frequently said that a wedding speech should make no reference to previous spouses , nor children of earlier marriages unless they are junior pages and need to be acknowledged and welcomed , or even the fact that either party has been married before .
10 As the Queen had matured , and perhaps become more politically aware , so on the Teheran rumour mill it was reliably asserted that there was a rift between her and the Shah .
11 As a direct consequence of the Torrie proposal it is also understood that the university 's application for its collections to be granted nationally registered status — giving access to a range of vital funding — is likely to be rejected by the Museum and Galleries Commission .
12 In the Government 's manifesto which was sent to every household it was clearly stated that there would be no political union .
13 The industry was launched by the support of the common people or the ‘ thick-eared ’ as they were bluntly described , but after the initial breakthrough it was soon realized that the only obvious way of increasing audiences significantly was by overcoming the objections and suspicions of the respectable .
14 Certainly in certain professions such as teaching , nursing or social work it is generally considered that a desire to serve the public is of paramount importance .
15 In the short run it is generally argued that tax cuts will simply stimulate aggregate demand and , with aggregate supply largely unaffected , will be inflationary .
16 I 'm sure that when you adopted your working together slogan you were not thinking that it included employers .
17 At the moment he 's probably wishing that he 'd stuck to music .
18 After an accident it is often found that maintenance work as well as repairs is necessary and it is quite natural that the Policyholder will want both carried out at the same time .
19 On the first day of the conference it was apparently agreed that Taiwan should be accepted as one of the Forum 's dialogue partners — those countries outside the South Pacific — currently the USA , UK , France , China , Canada , Japan and the European Communities — with which talks were held immediately after the conclusion of the heads of government conference .
20 During the same period it was also alleged that there was a trade-off between unemployment and inflation , which came to be known as the Phillips curve .
21 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
22 When I think that up until last night I was even hoping that I might look at you and wonder what it had all been about — that I 'd feel nothing !
23 Dining in the perfect Jacobean hall of Trinity it was only fitting that we should wear dinner jackets ( Hooray for a touch of elitism ! )
24 As in Miss Austen 's day it was universally accepted that a young unmarried man with a house and fortune was in need of a wife , so Mrs Girdlestone might have been beguiled into accepting a somewhat similar assumption that one elderly lady living alone is in need of an even more elderly lady to live with her ( prudently stipulating , however , the three months only , in case she should wish to draw back ) .
25 Scalars and vectors are in fact the simplest types of tensors , and from SR it is well known that if an equality can be proved between vectors ( or scalars ) in one inertial frame then the equality remains true under Lorentz transformations to other inertial frames .
26 OUR man in the stalls writing a preview more in hope than expectation : Last night it was confidently expected that the Fifth Estate 's performance of Scapegoat at the Netherbow Theatre , Edinburgh , would go ahead .
27 This is why to account for their longevity it is now believed that they were a qualified kind of ectothermic homeotherm continually striving to become endothermic homeotherms .
28 For example it is generally accepted that , since the real-balance effect concerns the net wealth of the private sector , indebtedness arising from within the private sector should be excluded from the definition of NW .
29 For example it is well known that asthma and eczema are linked but what is frequently overlooked is the way that a person 's asthma can be bad at a time when their eczema is quiet and their eczema can be its worst when the asthma is quiet .
30 In the building trade it is well known that the cost of building a new building may be less than the cost of modifying an old one .
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