Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] she [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 The nose-wheel is normally lifted at seventy knots to rotate at ninety , but because of the wind I held her down to 95 for a clean lift-off at a hundred after a run of a thousand yards or so .
2 David Shelley was so taken with her beautiful blond hair and the pink ensemble he accompanied her back to her room and cot , asking Ada no end of awkward questions .
3 After the dance he escorted her back to the rest of the delegation , and returned across the floor to us .
4 His hands closed around her waist , and without effort he lifted her on to the poolside , and flipped himself easily out beside her .
5 On their third date he took her back to his surgery and raped her .
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