Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [is] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The significant change I think is in the balance of debt between fixed and variable rate , where we took a conscious decision and been working it through to take more advantage of the prospective and er decline , it was prospective earlier in the year er in selling interest rates and the continued low er short-term rates in the United States .
2 The other difficulty I have is in the er the lower case text which ex attempts to explain what is meant by this particular criterion , the sorts of considerations that will be taken into account .
3 The real work I suspect is behind the scenes in all sorts of different ways .
4 ‘ Well , now that you ask , ’ he said smoothly , ‘ the picture I get is of a group of young people with more money than sense , buying temporary pleasures because they have n't got a clue where to find enjoyment of the more permanent sort . ’
5 If Mace means what is ordinarily meant by ‘ my body as it appears to me ’ then the distinction he draws is of no use to us .
6 The crèche I run is in a factory .
7 ‘ The metal we used is from an old caravan roof which we bonded to the wood with Evostick , ’ explained Tony .
8 Still climbing down the column , the next great limestone development we meet is in the lower part of the Upper Devonian .
9 Well , the only evidence we have is from the people who believe it has worked for them — and this includes many celebrities .
10 The rate I require is as a small trader .
11 ‘ Every time we question users of Teletel , particularly frequent users , the only complaint we hear is of the speed .
12 ‘ The only race trouble we have is between the Indians and the Pakis , or the Hindus and the Sikhs . ’
13 It may be true that the life we destroy is in the main of the lower orders or minute forms , but it is none the less destruction of life for all that , and since ahi sā involves doing no injury to any form of life , it follows that no matter how careful and compassionate and self-restrained a person may be he can not entirely escape committing hi sā .
14 The last thing I want is for the case to be closed .
15 I would n't put it into a company where the profit record was likely to be poor , because the last thing you want is for the share price to be lower than the option exercise price ’ .
16 You will save yourself much time and trouble if you have a course of lessons from a qualified teacher ( all the information you need is in the next chapter ) .
17 If , however , your basic pension is your only source of income , you will not have to worry as the amount you receive is below the income tax threshold .
18 The shot we require is of an American Trident missile being launched from a submarine and eventually going out of control .
19 His job is to clean along the paths of the Zoo and that thing he pushes is for the rubbish he collects , and along its side he has two brooms and a shovel .
20 ‘ Responsibility is accepted in the preparation of this report for the skill and diligence reasonably to be expected of a competent surveyor and valuer but the information it contains is for the confidential information only of the clients for whom it is prepared and of any building society , bank or other lender to whom written application for a mortgage advance has been made or will be made within 28 days after the date of this report .
21 The letter it sends is to an attractive friend who goes about ‘ bagging birds ’ , and who belongs to a world in which the beautiful say yes to the beautiful and wildly misbehave , a world which is said to be ‘ described on Sundays only ’ , in papers like the News of the World — but which is also described in Take a girl like you .
22 To take one last example , when we read in Canto 101 ( and many other places ) about ‘ Mont Ségur ’ , the gloss we need is in the Michelin Guide to the pyrenees , where we learn that the Château of Mont Ségur saw the last stand of the Cathars or Albigensians , another heretical movement of the Middle Ages which is mysteriously connected with the quest of the grail .
23 ‘ Do n't you ever realise , ’ said Helen , ‘ that the way we live is unlike the way other people live ? ’
24 If I got these two they are positional isomers because the carbon chain is the same and the only way they differ is in a position of a functional group .
25 These two here are also positional isomers , there carbon chains are the same the only way they differ is in the position of the functional group .
26 They 're the same molecular formula the only way they differ is in the way the basic chain is structured .
27 The community has decided , that is , to delegate to judges the power to decide lawsuits in whatever way they think is in the best interests of the community as a whole and to invent working as-if theories of legal rights , including theories of legislation and precedent , with that purpose in mind .
28 Well here 's the Director General of Fair Trading , and this is someone who 's had quite a bit of experience on this , Sir Gordon Borey and he says that motorists should ensure that any cover they buy is in the form of an individual insurance policy in their name .
29 The subjectivity she has is as a subject who desires to be object-a subject who wants only to satisfy the wants of the Master .
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