Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] from the " in BNC.

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1 erm I 'm very sad to be leaving Oxford , I 've very much enjoyed working here , and it 's been good to work for a council with such a high commitment to H I V , and to fighting Aids , and erm I very much the support I 've had from the committee and I hope it will continue erm in this way .
2 If he 's glaringly out , I 'll then use the template I 've made from the bass and snare samples , quantise that and get him to play cymbals and hi-hat again on top .
3 He gave me one , and I folded the cheque carefully into a spill and lit the cigarette with the flame I had obtained from the gas-fire .
4 how much feedback they had had from the recipients ( the governors , the LEA panel ) ;
5 Beside it on a table burned a candle , the source of the light they had seen from the garden .
6 Kalchu climbed on to the roof of the house , and with the flame he 'd brought from the shrine fire set light to the two piles of jharo .
7 At length Zen lazily drew out of his pocket the three items of mail he had collected from the Questura .
8 There was no tension in him : when he was tense there was a rigidity in his neck muscles , a rigidity I 'd watched from the depths of the crowd during the brief day of his trial and seen a few times since , as at Nottingham .
9 Lord Reid , who in the passage I have quoted from the Black-Clawson case [ 1975 ] A.C. 591 , 613–615 , supported the maintenance of the rule , in his dissenting speech in Reg. v. Warner [ 1969 ] 2 A.C. 256 , 279 said :
10 He was breathing heavily , but it had nothing to do with the run he had made from the car .
11 The consequence of this may be , and in some cases will be , to divest a third party of title to property which since the commencement of the bankruptcy he has acquired from the bankrupt .
12 She was only wearing a threadbare old cloak she had seized from the hallway as she came out , but she was quite warm after the exercise and she did n't want to go in , alone , back to the remnants of her mother 's angry despair .
13 The kind she had encountered from the languid woman in the Big Bamboo .
14 Then she sees Trotter 's purse lying open with the money she has cashed from the county welfare .
15 Now the question arises : have my taste-buds been ruined by the muck I 've plucked from the mouths of babes ?
16 Many charities are happy to claim back the tax you have paid from the Inland Revenue for sums as low as £1 0 per annum .
17 I think she 'd knitted it herself out of old pieces of string she 'd saved from the children 's birthday presents . ’
18 Around her head she wore , Furu-fashion , the bright band she had woven from the silks .
19 Rincewind stood up as slowly as he dared , and drew from his belt the short sword he had taken from the guard a few hours and a hundred years ago .
20 Thus although the Bank of England has been obliged to restore the amount of cash it had withdrawn from the system , there has been an equal and opposite decrease in bills plus money at call held by the banks .
21 The cash it has taken from the likes of you and me has gone to cover its losses caused by firms going to the wall because of the recession .
22 At last we reached a clearing and the desolate building we had glimpsed from the shore .
23 I knew the way then , for we were back-tracking the route we had taken from the airport .
24 As we all dance forward towards the next episode , I realise that for one brief hour we have escaped from the drab monotony of the Oxford English Culture .
25 If walking down streets teeming with non-residents induces mild panic , or if it strikes you as undignified to whizz around a museum in 10 minutes , because entry is part of the combination ticket you have bought from the tourist office , then forget Bruges .
26 In a minute she had rushed from the house and was running down the garden .
27 Benny had elected to carry only a revolver , though she had tucked a couple of grenades in the pockets of a second safari jacket she had pilfered from the TARDIS 's wardrobe .
28 The leadership we 've had from the trade union movement over the last fourteen years , we 've been picked off on everything .
29 And soon afterwards , in the first week of their marriage , Dostoevsky showed her the stone under which Raskolnikov hid the stuff he had taken from the old moneylender .
30 There was not enough food being grown on the farms and the government could not afford to pay for all of the grain it had requisitioned from the farmers .
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