Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] just [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The officers ' overcoat was of an Ulster pattern in dark blue cloth , with a deep collar , and two side pockets just below the hips .
2 The case of Martin Smid — the student whom thousands believe was beaten to death by the riot police just down the road last Friday — was raised .
3 ROMANIAN security troops opened fire on an unarmed crowd with machine guns just down the street from the US embassy in Bucharest , an appalled State Department spokesman announced yesterday , expressing official condemnation of Romania 's ‘ barbaric oppression ’ .
4 The large numbers of evening primrose in Liverpool reflect its abundance on the sand dunes just outside the city .
5 ‘ We read ’ , he read , ‘ in Richard Milward 's unreliable , tendentious and often plainly wrong book Early and Mediaeval Wimbledon that ‘ in 878 a Danish army took up winter quarters just across the river at Fulham .
6 Harvard salesmen would make inquiries at lunchtimes from the public telephone boxes just outside the building , despite the risk of getting spotted there .
7 This forecast suggests that the future will consist of business cycles just like the present and the past .
8 Yet it is easy for pioneer users and IT investors to remain with the tried and tested applications and miss out on the cutting edge opportunities just around the corner .
9 Bud roses just above the ground ( standards at any preferred height ) and other woody plants 6in above soil level .
10 Well of course she came running to me , you see , and we immediately phoned for the doctor , you see but , however , and I said , look , phone for the doctor , I said , and then I said go across to the railway police just across the yard and I asked one of them to come to me and I said I will go up with her and be with her until the doctor arrived , er he was with her the police sergeant when she died .
11 There were at least four large Russian Factory ships just inside the Summer Isles , the rest consisted of a mixed bag of Polish , Bulgarian , and even Italian freezer trawlers , in all we counted more than thirty ships awaiting their turn to load mackerel from the Scottish purse netters .
12 So far neither are demonstrating much recognition of their respective energy apocalypses just around the corner .
13 but I think there 's only one shop there , The Pearl Antiques just over the bridge on the right hand side
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