Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] to be [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 One would expect existing sentence patterns to be stabilised in use , and to be only minimally disturbed upon being combined to form more complex syntactic units .
2 Dedekind introduced the term number field ( Zahlkörper , in German ) to denote a collection of complex numbers satisfying the field axioms to be found in Definition 3.2.2(10) .
3 and you could be there at Cheltenham on Thursday for the big day … we ’ ve two club badges to be won in our special Gold Cup Competition
4 Are completion accounts to be prepared in the same way as management accounts or as quasi-statutory accounts ?
5 ‘ Type-curves ’ corresponding to the dual porosity model were used to derive the cementation exponent values to be used in the Carboniferous evaluation ( Table 3 ) and were supported by similar plots of data logged through water saturated intervals .
6 An example of accounting policies to be included in a purchase and sale agreement are set out in section 1102.22 .
7 1102.22 Example accounting policies to be included in the purchase and sale agreement
8 The prize of five Wilson Hammer rackets to be won in the April issue of Tennis World understandably produced a large , imaginative entry .
9 A principal feature of the flow as a whole may then be the following : large eddies of the eruption type originate close to the wall as described in Section 21.6 ; as they move away from the wall they become increasingly influenced by buoyancy , until , at large heights , they resemble the free convection plumes to be described in Section 22.7 .
10 Men cherished a tremendous sense of nostalgia for the departed glories of the previous temple , and for the Spirit of Yahweh which used in Old Testament days to be displayed in mighty deliverers and inspired prophets .
11 The exhibition will display pieces by Thomas Tompion and James Ferguson Cole including a carriage clock made by Cole in 1823 , one of the first carriage clocks to be made in Britain .
12 From the considerations of Chapter 15 , we expect the quantitative formulation of the relative importance of inertia and buoyancy forces to be made in terms of some form of the Froude number ( eqn ( 15.7 ) ) .
13 A sufficient convergence of interest took place for the so-called Pentagon talks to be held in the last quarter of 1947 .
14 If you have the cash — and can therefore exchange quickly — there are also auction bargains to be had in the housing market .
15 The European Script Fund is the only one of the MEDIA programme initiatives to be based in the UK ( in London ) .
16 Through a survey of 6 publishing companies , differentiated by size and type , it is intended to develop both case studies of companies and research tools to be used in a later industry wide study .
17 Indeed , Silicon Graphics is understood to have added an instruction to the Mips architecture for TFP , allowing multiplication and addition functions to be performed in a single batch rather than as separate operations , speeding floating point throughput .
18 Although planning authorities are urged to consider the differential effects of in-town and out-of-town developments , the guidance studiously avoids giving a clear indication of the shopping patterns to be favoured in future .
19 Peking ordered the opium importers to be expelled in 1836 , but Jardine , the most influential British figure at Canton , refused to leave .
20 In March and April Bronze Awards were made to Alan Gilmour , Strathaven Branch ( Royal Scottish Assurances sales letter to be issued with requests for certificates of interest ) , Carol Watson , Reading Branch , ( space for account number/ID number to be included in ‘ Title of Account ’ form ) Ian Haslam , Liverpool Dale Street ( SDVP form reduced to one part only ) and Rosemary Ridgeway , Leeds East Parade ( Fillaform continuation sheets to be printed/typed in DW4 ) .
21 The council elections to be held in Chile in June will provide the first opportunity in 20 years for Chileans to vote against the ‘ eyes and ears ’ of the military dictatorship , according to Maria Antonieta Saa , the human rights activist and Chile 's only woman mayor .
22 In the past they 've called publicly for notorious joy riders to be held in secure units .
23 Founded in 1918 , this was the first Department of Business Studies to be established in a British university .
24 1992 has revealed yet again that there is no shortage of transport problems to be tackled in providing support and aid to developing countries .
25 Accompanying the conference is a major exhibition at the Museum the first of FIDEM 's biennial contemporary medal exhibitions to be held in Britain entitled ‘ In the Round : contemporary art medals of the world ’ featuring 1,300 contemporary medals selected by the national delegates of FIDEM ( until 25 October ) .
26 A Californian study ( Stych , personal communication ) examined the rank ordering of outcome measures to be used in the state mental health programme .
27 This was one of the first disc records to be marketed in Britain .
28 Sponsorship by various technical-help agencies has allowed prototype gasifiers to be installed in Tanzania Guyana Tahiti , Seychelles , Indonesia and elsewhere .
29 It is these cases , where no pathogen can be isolated yet there are pus cells to be found in the urethra , that major problems of diagnosis arise .
30 All sample surfaces to be placed in the CL chamber should be dry , clean and free of contamination , including fingerprints as well as dust and lint .
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