Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] and be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Millichip told them that Johnson had not breached any of the club rules and was generally regarded as one of their most loyal players .
2 The Commander-in-Chief , who jointly with the Secretary of State controlled the affairs of the Army , remained at Horse Guards and was not included in Hunt 's proposals .
3 ‘ Hepatitis B has long been recognised as a risk to healthcare workers and is now considered by many authorities to be the most important infectious occupational disease , and yet we are still failing our workers , ’ she said .
4 The rootstocks were developed at government research stations and are still known by their reference numbers .
5 Second , it is clear from the Report that motorists are not keeping to the Park 's speed limits and are thereby abusing the privilege of vehicle access .
6 The Roman circus was used for chariot and horse races and was probably based , in plan , upon the Greek Stadion .
7 Bus drivers and conductors resting between journeys are an obvious target for quota samples and are commonly overrepresented as an occupation in such samples .
8 Packages were expensive — in excess of £30,000 in 1982 terms — and in some cases did not offer on-line data entry facilities and were not cost justifiable particularly as all the facilities would not be required .
9 She admitted destroying property by fire and making hoax telephone calls and was conditionally discharged for one year .
10 It was in the large , dimly-lit room below and to the left of the ramp , one of those cheerless spaces which Victorian architects ( or their clients ) felt bound to utilise , as with the arches of urban railway viaducts which were originally blocked off to make cheap classrooms for council schools and are now occupied by small garages and furniture makers .
11 Socata are aware of this impediment which is a handicap for serious business users in the winter months and are now offering the Trinidad with a TKS de-icing system , with electric de-ice to the prop which allows the aircraft into known icing .
12 These vehicles are subject to an initial fitness test by the Department of Transport vehicle inspectors and are then tested annually to a higher standard than cars .
13 Whilst with JM Liz has successfully completed the Institute of Personnel Management examinations and is currently taking the Open University Effective Manager course .
14 Short-term memory has capacity limits and is readily purged , it probably keeps a record of the current situation , whereas the long-term memory is the repository of principles and strategies .
15 The story-line and the characters may seem incredible — like beautiful Remedios who floats up into the heavens while folding the household sheets and is never seen again — but Marquez defies you to disbelieve in them .
16 Okawi had prepared the hunting canoes and was now praying over their steep sides .
17 From a child she had taken ballet and modern dance lessons and was naturally drawn to Medau after seeing a lecture demonstration .
18 Francis Newton was to found the firm Cossart Gordon & Co , which is one of the oldest and most respected madeira wine merchants and is today incorporated in the Madeira Wine Company Lda .
19 Though this comes in for constant robust internal criticism and revision , it is more thorough than that of many professional advice and counselling organizations and is increasingly used as a model by other organizations .
20 For , by 1947 , the country had become a victim of Cold War tensions and was effectively split in two .
21 Meanwhile less than 20 miles away , St Johnstone , a team with a less prestigious history were enjoying increased attendances , a newly won Premier status , record profits and were warmly ensconced in a purpose built all-seater stadium .
22 Forest Goblins wear exotic war paint , carry war axes and are often decorated with colourful feathers .
23 It has often been said that heads are recruited largely on the basis of having been successful classroom teachers and are therefore appointed to a new task on the basis of their ability in a different job .
24 The well-known kier stains on cotton are coloured by dark humus particles or by iron and manganese hydroxides and are firmly bound by insoluble metal soaps , including those of iron , calcium , and magnesium .
25 These should be available from most good component suppliers and are certainly listed in the Maplin catalogue .
26 Teulon attended the Royal Academy Schools and was then articled to the architect George Legg .
27 The Record Industry of America 's figures show that CD-A disc sales in the United States have remorselessly overhauled and eroded sales of vinyl recordings and are rapidly catching the booming cassette market .
28 Dysmap compiles and carries out continuous simulation models and is particularly suited to modelling situations whose dynamic nature is based on feedback processes .
29 He is now investigating if leukaemia cases rose in Orkney and Shetland due to wartime incomers and is also looking at the effects of large construction projects in Britain in the post-war period .
30 Such decisions often involve complexity and criticality , cross system/trade boundaries and are frequently made under pressure .
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