Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] had [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Chatichai 's coalition , then comprising six member parties , controlled 229 seats in the 347-member House of Representatives , and survived the vote with the apparently overwhelming majority of 220 to 38 , but only after most opposition members had walked out in a mark of protest .
2 Only after hunger and labour strikes had broken out throughout the country in early May did the government finally agree to enter into negotiations with the opposition ( under the framework of a Consultative Council ) to seek a consensus on draft reform legislation .
3 Two five-dollar bills had fallen out from behind the encyclopedia just when she was needing money so badly .
4 A Press Trust of India ( PTI ) report claimed that Myanman troops had killed up to 36 Rohingyas on April 5 during an attack on Maungdaw , Arakan province .
5 However , turnover increased in 1990 due to UK entry into the European Exchange Rate Mechanism , which implied a shift in longer term inflationary expectations and a fortiori long rates of interest , combined with the fact that the public sector finances had moved back into deficit .
6 Then he went on to warn us that , during the cold snap earlier in the year , ice floes had swept in from the sea dragging buoys from their moorings .
7 It was so hot that Perdita would have liked to have worn shorts or a dress , but her mosquito bites had come up in huge red bumps and were oozing and itching like mad , so she settled for her pale pink jeans and a dark blue shirt .
8 Numbers increased slightly in March ( to around 14,500 ) , but Kleiner was concerned that job shortages had caused up to 1,000,000 Soviet Jews to cancel or postpone emigrating to Israel .
9 er , if the , if the , er service charge costs had gone up in the meantime , obviously after you reached the end of the first accounting period you have some accounts to go on and you have a much better idea of what the costs are actually going to be
10 The city 's funeral barons had turned out in an unprecedented expression of their admiration and their sympathy , and Creed took full advantage of the fact .
11 But not long after ten hotair balloons had taken off from Lydiard Park in swindon drama struck .
12 Hoxha 's statue was pulled down , and there were clashes with police in which up to 20 people were injured according to opposition sources , although eyewitness reports said also that some members of the security forces had gone over to the side of the demonstrators .
13 The Turkish government declared that the security of its diplomats was threatened following the screening in March of a programme on West German television , which claimed that West German security services had uncovered up to 30 Turkish secret police , posing as diplomats , who were spying on the 1,500,000 Turks in West Germany .
14 Cabinet negotiations had broken down over the balance of power in the government , with the " small coalition " demanding greater control over the economy than the PSL was prepared to concede .
15 The defence lawyers had walked out on the grounds that the trial lacked procedural guarantees , and that the court , as a military one , had no jurisdiction .
16 In contrast to the costly and sophisticated technology employed by the major companies were simple but effective ‘ home studios ’ costing under £1,000 by 1985 , the average price of four-track recording machines had come down to £500 and over 20,000 had been sold in Britain .
17 Then it turned out there was a glut of oil ; within a week , petrol prices had fallen back to pre-August levels .
18 If one of the other mainline batsmen had chipped in with even a 50 or 60 , England would probably have saved the match .
19 The army trucks had passed through in convoy the previous evening , and any new fact or assumption about the happenings of the clinic 's ruins were now conversational gold-dust .
20 right , erm Could you , you said that your payroll costs had come down by five million that 's figure is it ?
21 The earth had been churned up black where forestry vehicles had passed through during the week , and there were cut and trimmed logs waiting for collection alongside the track .
22 The suspension of petrol sales , first adopted as a temporary measure on Jan. 24 [ see also p. 37759 ] , came amidst allied claims that bombing raids had destroyed up to 80 per cent of the country 's oil refining capacity .
23 I got , I got the impression that he was fairly exasperated at the way things had gone up to now .
24 If all Preston 's childhood friends had lined up against a wall , as when they were waiting to be picked for football , Preston would most likely have left William to pretty near the end and then put him at left back , or somewhere he would do the least damage to his own side .
25 We 'd have got away with it if we had noticed that the polystyrene tiles had slipped out of alignment — but having shifted dozens of tanks around we made the fatal error of complacency and did n't check the underlay .
26 It was not possible to ascertain directly how many halogen moieties had ended up on the football .
27 By Feb. 9 sympathy strikes had broken out at higher education establishments in several cities .
28 Perhaps the most notorious was a forger ; Coiner Varley who escaped sliding down a rubbish tip which the market traders had pushed up against the wall of the gaol .
29 By mid-May OPEC production levels had dropped by between 700,000 and 900,000 bpd , with Saudi Arabia alone cutting back 430,000 bpd to reach its agreed quota of 5,380,000 bpd .
30 ‘ I do n't know , ’ Ellie denied numbly as she recognised the note Gramps had put in with the package to Mrs McMahon .
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