Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] be [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In England and Wales , France and the United States huge prison building programmes were underway during the 1980s .
2 Course subjects were mainly of a technical management nature with feeding , husbandry and health of both stock and crops being typical .
3 Chairmen of football clubs are only in the papers and on the radio when the team is up the creek .
4 The choice of food and the way to spend the waking hours are entirely at the discretion of the volunteer .
5 It is also true to say that if the Opposition parties were ever in a position to put their policies into effect , that self-employment record would inevitably be gravely harmed and the cause of women in particular would suffer much more .
6 Liverpool players , stunned by their manager 's dramatic disclosures , are more determined than ever to win next Monday 's semi-final replay against Portsmouth , and club officials are already considering the prospect of Mr Souness interrupting his recuperation to be present at Wembley .
7 There has to be unhappiness in the status quo that it can complain about — football chants are probably about the closest you can get now , because there 's nothing left to complain about nowadays .
8 However , none of the font foundries are yet in a position to generate fonts , none of the typesetter vendors have RIPs and until Apple releases its System 7.0 software the whole issue is pretty academic anyway !
9 Brothers and colleagues statistics show that the majority of car accidents are mainly within the first year of people passing their driving test .
10 The best plough lands are mainly in the broad , flat eastern half of the country from the Moray Firth to East Anglia and West Sussex .
11 One feels that anything to do with card indexes is more in a woman 's line . ’
12 She felt him naked between her thighs , felt the throb of his manhood against her slippery skin , and his long , expert fingers were still on the pulse that was taking her over , making her mad , driving her into wild darkness , and his voice said thickly , ‘ Rachel …
13 Tennis Courts are still in the District 's possession but , to date the tennis club has made no move to make use of them although a meeting had been arranged .
14 Tennis Courts are still in the District 's possession but , to date the tennis club has made no move to make use of them although a meeting had been arranged .
15 Meanwhile the temptations for tearaway drivers are there on every garage forecourt .
16 The work opportunities are primarily in the tailors ' shop , a laundry ( which services a number of other prisons ) , a printing shop and an assembly shop .
17 These variations would have been impossible to rectify without buying expensive new printing machines , unthinkable , as home furnishings were still at an experimental stage in England .
18 As Brian Davis points out , the new shed was necessary , as the main mill buildings were now over a century old , and would almost certainly have been unable to cope with the additional weight and vibration from the looms .
19 Ballroom and Latin American Dance classes are now on the Sports & Social Club agenda at Hammersmith .
20 This is good news as mayonnaises and salad dressings are usually on the no-go , high calorie list for slimmers .
21 While comparatively few in number , Newfoundland rugby players are obviously on the right track and Parfrey , an enthusiastic provincial coach , can point to solid recent growth .
22 One member of a contingent of four German boy internationals was also among the leaders , Herbert Forster , adding a 78 to a nine-hole first round 38 .
23 Local law societies were generally against the establishment of an annual limit on the grounds that it might lead to unfairness in the handling of claims within any particular 12 month period .
24 Some merchants were very rich , and even village storekeepers were often among the wealthier inhabitants of a locality .
25 About three quarters of asylum claimants are already in the country , many of them legitimately as students or visitors and some of them illegitimately , as they have entered the country illegally .
26 " How many ? " , etc. ( e.g. " How many arrow slits are there in the north wall ? " ) , but should include questions of " Why ? " and " How ? " ( e.g. " Explain why it is so difficult for an attacker to get in through the castle gate " ) .
27 With × 7 , Beta and Delta Equulei are just in the field with Epsilon Pegasi .
28 Espedair Street and the less well-known Walking On Glass and Canal Dreams were largely about the performance of the imagination .
29 Joanna Slaughter of the Observer , estimates that a backdated personal pension plan of 9.05 per cent of band earnings is there for the asking at no cost to the employee ( Observer , 26 June 1986 ) .
30 Business questions are always about the business for the next week .
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