Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [vb base] [pron] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There , 50 or so textile mills produce what is widely acknowledged to be the finest wool cloth in the world .
2 Empowerment enthusiasts say it is all to do with company culture and ensuring that employees are all fully conversant with the corporate goals and mission .
3 Carter says budget constraints mean it is quite a battle to put up the all-important 30 per cent , but he hopes to get more than the £16,870 received last year .
4 The Bill , introduced by Labour MP Alf Morris , aims to outlaw discrimination against disabled people but government ministers say it is too wide-ranging and potentially costly for employers .
5 The health authorities say it is too soon to comment on the implications of the figures as yet as they still have to be assessed in the light of the type and ages of the people who responded .
6 The health authorities say it is too soon to comment on the implications of the figures as yet as they still have to be assessed in the light of the type and ages of the people who responded .
7 People 's attitudes to the Health Service expressed in opinion poll findings suggest it is extremely popular in comparison with the health care system of the 1930s .
8 Prison authorities say it 's still tense on 'C' Wing where a cell was destroyed by fire during yesterday evening .
9 I know the name " — is partially explained by the fact that the stage directions suggest he is still looking at Chetwyn , but we infer Anderson 's absent-mindedness from his response because any confusion over the referent of the question is unlikely , assuming that Anderson , as a participant in the Colloquium ( albeit an unenthusiastic one ) , knows that the venue is Prague .
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