Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [vb past] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Hudson 's Bay Company went on trading at its posts on the shore of the Bay , and did rather well for its shareholders , but French fur traders moved out beyond the Great Lakes and by the 1740s La Verendrye had led them to places well west of the Bay .
2 The only incident reported was when one of Fowler 's teddy bear mascots fell out of the car at Debtors Dip .
3 ACORN Computers , the maker of the BBC Microcomputer , last week announced it was replacing 3600 defective tape recorders sent out under the Department of Industry 's scheme to provide schools with half-price computers .
4 We compared the incidence in the study areas with national data using the following sources : for childhood cancer , data from the National Registry of Childhood Tumours for 1969–87 ; for young people aged 15–24 , cancer registration statistics for England and Wales for 1971–86 , though these data were not subjected to the review processes carried out for the specialist registries ; for leukaemias and lymphomas in those aged 25–74 , data from the data collection study covering about one third of the population of England and Wales .
5 Right-wing opposition members walked out of the Congress on Oct. 22 during a speech by German Chancellor Helmut Kohl , who paid an official visit to Chile on Oct. 19-22 .
6 The pale trunks of giant ramon trees rose out of the layered undergrowth of fan palms and creepers .
7 Above us , great masses of cumulus clouds stood out in the sky like old-fashioned sculptures .
8 Two mother-of-pearl handles jutted out of the top of his waistcoat pocket .
9 Marketing departments grew out of the sales function in organizations .
10 Water companies came out of the study well , with the ten privatised companies all on the top 24 profit-makers ' list .
11 The next day clashes broke out in the occupied territories and Arab workers were prevented from entering Jerusalem .
12 The right to registered trade marks grew out of the rules of common law and equity , under which a trader who passed off his goods upon the public as those of another was held liable to damages and an injunction at the suit of the latter .
13 Metal pinked against metal as he opened out the roll , and a sheaf of little plastic cards fell out of the middle .
14 Church bells rang out over the sunlit streets of Bristol and across the two rivers where a fine evening haze spread , blurring the edges of the buildings , disguising flaws in paint and plaster , softening the impact of rags , heightening the charm of sprigged muslin and chintz .
15 The result was a general strike early in September 1946 in which police and government workers camped out in the Shwe Dagon Pagoda where they were guarded against any persuasive attempts from authority .
16 Then the removal men came out of the house for the last time , wiping their brows on their once-white aprons , and then they helped down from the van a little old lady .
17 But on Saturday afternoon peals rang out as the York Minster Society of Change-Ringers called Christians to Evensong .
18 Application forms went out with the February newsletter but if you did not receive one please contact Keith Barlow on 0602 856672 .
19 Fearful of yet another backlash , some kept quiet while congress members spoke out about the reforms , the problems being experienced in the economy , social problems , the crisis in education and other topical issues .
20 By Easter heavy frosts had ended hopes of a good harvest that year , and in the summer and autumn food riots broke out in the country at large as the price of a quartern loaf — where one could be had at all — rose from 3d. to over 1s .
21 For the most part the Welsh Office merely acts as a ‘ post box ’ for consultation papers sent out by the DoE .
22 Pearson 's book publishing companies shone out as the group 's star performers last year .
23 Helen would n't hold on to anything properly in case mosquitoes jumped out of the suitcases and gave her malaria .
24 Then one of the travelling craftsmen came out from the town and lined the cart , trap or wagon we happened to be making : that means he painted the finishing touches , the lines on the wheels and the panels .
25 Police estimated no more than 30,000 party supporters turned out on the heavily barricaded streets , eager to be arrested by the 75,000-strong security forces .
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