Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [coord] be [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Second , it is clear from the Report that motorists are not keeping to the Park 's speed limits and are thereby abusing the privilege of vehicle access .
2 Socata are aware of this impediment which is a handicap for serious business users in the winter months and are now offering the Trinidad with a TKS de-icing system , with electric de-ice to the prop which allows the aircraft into known icing .
3 Whilst with JM Liz has successfully completed the Institute of Personnel Management examinations and is currently taking the Open University Effective Manager course .
4 Okawi had prepared the hunting canoes and was now praying over their steep sides .
5 As far as the Channel Tunnel is concerned it has reluctantly accepted the need for on-train immigration checks but is still insisting that customs checks must be carried out at the terminals , against the advice of commercial interests who see such checks as detrimental to the ‘ user friendliness ’ of the Tunnel .
6 The Record Industry of America 's figures show that CD-A disc sales in the United States have remorselessly overhauled and eroded sales of vinyl recordings and are rapidly catching the booming cassette market .
7 He is now investigating if leukaemia cases rose in Orkney and Shetland due to wartime incomers and is also looking at the effects of large construction projects in Britain in the post-war period .
8 He used to spend millions on race horses and is now looking to spend his money elsewhere !
9 The court heard the girl has made several suicide attempts and is still receiving treatment .
10 Curtis Office Supplies , based on Risdale Street , has been introduced to a local supplier of tubular steel chair frames and is now placing orders with Profix Fabrication on Neasham Road .
11 The visitors had two players sent off by referee Ian Ollerton for midfield incidents but were already losing 38–10 at three-quarter time when forwards Steve McCurrie and Harvey Howard were dismissed .
12 The University has limited creche facilities and is actively pursuing the provision of improved facilities ; applications from women wishing to return to work on a part-time basis after the birth of a child would also be considered .
13 Called Dog Star , they sound like Nirvana mixed with the Sex Pistols and are apparently gigging LA clubs .
14 At one of them sat the men who , she was sure , had jeered at her from the wall beside the petrol pumps and were now slapping down playing cards and shouting Ventidue ! with much of their remaining strength .
15 When he had gone up on deck again he found that the Prince had lowered two small rowing boats and was systematically scouring the river .
16 Others have survived similar heart complaints and are still working , both in the First Division and at the highest level on the Continent .
17 However , all too frequently the problem returns and is also becoming more difficult and expensive to treat .
18 She is the author of Jean Patou and The It Girls and is currently writing a biography of Salvador Dali .
19 His employer warned him that his behaviour had already caused several customer complaints and was even affecting business relations , and demanded that he stop .
20 The Danish industry was intent on developing existing production systems but was also looking at new systems such as group housing .
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