Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [conj] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Backup 7.2 supports QIC-40 and QIC-80 tape drives and it detects more than twice as many viruses as the previous version .
2 NT is , however , compliant with Posix 1003.1 base functions but it gets there via a subsystem that does not integrate with the Windows environment and Windows applications are not Posix-compliant .
3 The sample of courses chosen by Molloy and Carroll was designed to include a relatively high proportion of NSE students and it provides very useful material about the relative performance of SE and NSE students on these courses .
4 Part of the reason for this lies with the decentralised nature of the party membership records but it has also been conventional political wisdom that Conservative party members play an insignificant role in the determination of the party 's policies .
5 Joshua made a note of Felicity 's brother 's telephone number just in case , and joined the queue of conference goers as it shifted sullenly forward step by step .
6 In tropical oceans , there is also the problem of the teredo worm , one of the lamellibranch family of boring molluscs , whose destructive vigour proved as deadly to submarine cables as it had previously done to ships ' timbers , wharves and sea dykes .
7 It depends on contexts in parse trees , and the algorithm can only calculate parse trees if it has enough AND symbols ; so clustering depends on the set of available AND symbols .
8 The Government has taken steps to improve court procedures but it has steadfastly refused to introduce a legal right to interest .
9 The name of William Bliss was known throughout the world for his quality tweeds and it continued long after his death .
10 Not only does it meet his own policy expectations but it does so in language supplied by Mr Greenspan in congressional testimony which would allow Mr Greenspan to run rings around his Administration critics .
11 In these four ways , housing differs from other consumer goods though it remains fundamentally a private market commodity .
12 It may be the last word in consumer issues but it has never been available on news stands .
13 On Oct. 1 India 's Supreme Court ordered the government to delay its implementation of the Mandal Commission recommendations until it had fully completed a list of the castes it intended to target .
14 No one interest can have maximum impact on government policies if it campaigns alone .
15 Sociolinguistics is most successful in explaining sex differences when it looks very carefully at the conditions of particular communities ' lives and at what the people themselves consider the most important influences on their behaviour .
16 Nylon is the best material for piping bags as it wears well and is easy to wash .
17 After 1898 the latter two of these castes were also excluded , a fact which led to protests from élite Salagamas when it became generally known .
18 There are many large quintas in Monte as it used to be favoured by the rich who moved up to their summer houses when it became too hot and humid in Funchal .
19 At an election rally in the Wembley Conference Centre in 1983 , I stood on a nail in my training shoes and it went nearly four centimetres into my foot .
20 Most other scientists , however , were willing to accept quantum mechanics because it agreed perfectly with experiment .
21 She was curious as to where they were going , but so far Wayne had refused to say ; as far as she knew , this was just one of the Estate roads and it led nowhere .
22 The nose-tingling aroma of rosemary in itself is enough to banish catarrh and sinus infections as it trickles coolly up into the nasal cavities and spreads behind the cheekbones and forehead .
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