Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [conj] [vb base] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Although cylinder manufacturers countered effectively for some decades , first with moulding techniques and later with finer grooves , the overwhelming simplicity of being able to press thousands of copies of disc records and play them on a simple machine eventually told in the disc 's favour .
32 In the early stages we were we you know used to take phone calls and take them at face value , and we got a phone call like this .
33 The trouble is my theory 's looking shakier all the time because McDunn 's convinced me it really was all just a smoke-screen : there is no Ares project , never was any Ares project , and Smout in his prison in Baghdad is n't connected to the guys that died ; it was just somebody coming up with a clever conspiracy theory , just a way of getting me to go to remote places and wait for phone calls and deprive me of an alibi while gorilla man did something horrible to somebody else somewhere else .
34 Dr Patterson has tried to untangle the survival value of these behaviour patterns and relate them to the animal 's ecology .
35 I exchange this particular envelope for two one-ounce packets and hide them in my hand .
36 ‘ Well , I think I 'd best fill some of the 'ot water bottles an' put them in the bed right away , ’ said Mrs Beavis , ‘ just in case there 's a bit of cold about the sheets .
37 ( i ) Excise ovaries and place them in physiological saline ( 0.9% ) .
38 Many areas , yes , let's everybody have water butts and use them to , to save the rain water during next summer , next summer being when it 's going to rain .
39 Rather than modify anything to do with the external events that trigger your guilt you might decide to go for option 2 and identify the thoughts or beliefs that herald your guilt feelings and examine them for possible replacements .
40 Reduce your stress levels and get yourself in tip-top condition in this month 's fabulous competition !
41 Along the route he was stopped by a dwarf and led into the mountain , where he was told to empty his grain sacks and fill them with gold .
42 The LEA budget can not match the sort of investment that the fast food marketing chains make but , in promoting healthy eating , we can copy the best of their relatively inexpensive marketing and presentation techniques and use them to our advantage .
43 If the amount outstanding on your credit or store cards seem always to creep up rather than down ; if you put off paying the electricity bills because you have other commitments to meet ; if you are seriously thinking of accepting the offer of a ‘ consolidation ’ loan which is secured on your house to mop up all your existing credit agreements and transform them into a once a month payment , then you could be on or near the danger line .
44 If the amount outstanding on your credit or store cards seem always to creep up rather than down ; if you put off paying the electricity bills because you have other commitments to meet ; if you are seriously thinking of accepting the offer of a ‘ consolidation ’ loan which is secured on your house to mop up all your existing credit agreements and transform them into a once a month payment , then you could be on or near the danger line .
45 There are two classes of printers , one called newspaper hands and set nothing but solid matter ; and properly trained compositors who have been taught to do jobbing , tabular work and everything . "
46 I 'm not I do n't necessarily want to dispute them erm all I would say is that we have to look at the implications do n't just look at the change in the traffic flows and take them as a as a point , you have to look at the implications of those changes in traffic flows .
47 There was also alarm about the practice of " occasional conformity " ( whereby Nonconformists were able to evade the provisions of the Test and Corporation Acts and qualify themselves for civil office through the occasional attendance at Anglican communion ) and the growth of Dissenting academies ( which trained future generations of Nonconformist ministers and thus helped to perpetuate the religious schism ) .
48 It did to some extent aggregate demands and turn them into viable policy issues , and it also acted as a downward channel of communication , explaining and rationalizing government policies in the hope of their greater acceptance by the citizens .
49 Appeal Court Judge Gabriel Hutton upheld his appeal against a £250 fine for misuse of lorry trade plates and cut it to £100 .
50 For this team game , get two paper cups and make them into button catchers by piercing a hole in the bottom with a needle or pin and threading through a length of reasonably strong cotton .
51 And after the harvester they would take in those big tramp coles and bring them into the big hay stack .
52 Archivists need to raise their heads above the paper mountains that surround them in order to develop a realistic strategy for the preservation of the new generation of records .
53 Cut out the collage pieces and position them on the backing and mark their places lightly with a pencil .
54 The purchaser of a completed development , for example a factory , who intends to use the development for his or her own trade purposes or lease it to a person using it for trade purposes may be able to claim capital allowances .
55 Zen popped two motion-sickness pills out of their plastic nests and put them in his mouth .
56 Programmers can carry out code changes and test them from Windows and OS/2 clients .
57 Erm win number five , a rose bag , right , now you can keep the tickets if you want , but get all them little plastic things and put them in the bin
58 Help your child cut fish shapes from glossy magazine pages and drop them into a washing-up bowl of water .
59 Made from the latest in Polymer technology Asics Gel has the unique ability to absorb vertical impact forces and disperse them on a horizontal plane .
60 From a practical standpoint we are suffering from some jail overcrowding problems here and certainly this was one option to take an offender who does n't really belong behind iron bars and punish them at home , and from a personal standpoint I was sort of intrigued with the novelty of it all and the technology aspects of it .
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