Example sentences of "[noun sg] [unc] [noun sg] that it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was when he had pictured Morpurgo in his mind 's eye that it had occurred to him : such a trivial matter , yet nonetheless not right , not right at all — surely he must be mistaken .
2 The report 's recommendations are in line with the Industry 's argument that it does not make economic sense to close Britain 's nuclear power plants early and that it is far cheaper to run the stations than to close them .
3 Marcos loyalists now poke fun at the Aquino administration 's boast that it has built a new stability , arguing it is pretty fragile if it wo n't allow a dead man home for burial .
4 The X-ray flux is so great when it emerges from the machine 's vacuum that it causes the air to fluoresce and , if focused , it can burn holes in paper rather like a powerful laser beam .
5 AFIRM of auctioneers which sold two oil paintings for £840 five months before the works fetched £88,000 at Sotheby 's after being attributed to the 18th century master , George Stubbs , won its appeal yesterday against a judge 's ruling that it had been negligent .
6 In response , Pat Arbor , the chairman of the Board of Trade , said it was not the exchange 's fault that it had been duped by Stotler 's doctored financial records .
7 Later , he comments on this , as follows : ‘ In treating of the development of the notion of thought , we may regard as primitive the child 's conviction that it thinks with the mouth .
8 Within Renaissance writing we can discover evidence which reveals that a text 's recognition that it circulates within a powerful institutional context need not be capitulation to context , but its own powerful representation of that context .
9 The House need not rely on the hon. Gentleman 's view that it happens 99.99 per cent .
10 We are doing what we can , but I take my hon. Friend 's point that it has been an ongoing saga for some time now .
11 It had been extensively rewritten by Robert , who was now so good at doing Mafouz 's handwriting that it had affected his ability to reproduce his own signature convincingly .
12 Remove a fox from its territory and another will soon take its place — so where is fox-hunting 's defence that it controls foxes ?
13 Responding to the disclosures , the ANC said that the government 's admission that it had funded Inkatha to pursue anti-ANC activities threatened the peace process .
14 The ANC also firmly rejected the government 's insistence that it disband its armed wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe ( MK ) , before a full transitional government was in place .
15 Ruling that the UK had breached international agreements , the judges dismissed the British government 's contention that it had not had enough time to meet standards set in 1975 .
16 They claimed that the ruling nullified the government 's argument that it had no liability for the death of the Palestinian because it was an act of war , and that it effectively restored the government 's response to the intifada to the status of a police operation .
17 The Brotherhood said after al-Masri 's appointment that it did not wish to participate in a government likely to make territorial concessions to Israel .
18 Former Cray Research Inc chairman John Rollwagen has withdrawn his name from further consideration for the number two post at the US Commerce Department after the Securities & Exchange Commission asked him to participate in an insider trading probe centring on sale of shares in Cray Computer Corp ahead of that company 's announcement that it had lost its only Cray 3 order .
19 The British critic Bryher regarded the film as ‘ the first authentic comment on the War ’ , praised particularly the depiction of enlistment , and poured scorn on those other British critics who had disliked the film 's suggestion that it had been America who had won the war .
20 The jockeying for position has begun and the Civic Forum 's statement that it intends to contest those elections has met with opposition from within its ranks .
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