Example sentences of "[noun sg] [unc] [noun] of [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Last-minute amendments curbing some of the President 's powers of veto over legislation and of authority to impose states of emergency as set out in the draft law appeared to have won round many opponents .
2 But why , 7 centuries on ; long after swan lost its appeal as a delicacy , are people still negotiating with the Queen 's Keeper of Swans over who owns what ?
3 Equally clear is the peasantry 's sense of injustice over the Emancipation settlement , their resentment against the landowning nobility , and their yearning to see all noble land made over to them .
4 The University 's strategy of expansion over the past few years has been aimed to take full advantage of the UFC 's new policy of rewarding those universities that have demonstrated their willingness and ability to expand by retrospectively awarding full grant for an increased number of so-called fully funded students .
5 This is reproduced below in full because the work on the INSET project relied on the contract as a guarantee of teacher 's rights of control over their material .
6 For people with long-standing difficult social circumstances that may throw up a crisis at any time , intervention might best combine practical help with a scheme to foster the person 's sense of control over his or her life , to reduce their sense of hopelessness .
7 The explosive power of volcanos is proof if ever it was needed , of man 's lack of control over the environment .
8 To these powers , one must add the power to appoint governors ( BBC ) and members ( IBA ) of the authorities , and in the context of programmes , the government 's power of veto over programmes .
9 To begin with the government wants private operators to cast a spider 's web of cable-TV over the country , It is n't obvious that this is the best way to go about it .
10 It extends the householder 's feeling of control over his or her domain , and gives a direct outlet for the natural desire to improve it .
11 Among the various characteristics of these technologies which Blauner identifies we highlight three here : the changing skill requirements , the worker 's sense of control over the work process , and changes in the meaningfulness of work — these last two characteristics being , to a very large extent , a product of the social relationships which the worker has with management and the end-user of the product being made .
12 The molar mass is then related to the excess electron density Δρ c of solute over solvent for λ=0.154; nm by where R o is the Rayleigh ratio at .
13 I wish he would keep his eyes off me , Laura thought grimly , feeling certain that she must have experienced almost a lifetime 's amount of tension over the past few days .
14 The family 's loss of control over the youth is crucial to his development in sport , for , if there was a more balanced social management within the West Indian community , it is likely that the vibrance and energy expended in sport could be directed into more orthodox areas .
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