Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] also [be] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Part of that is due no doubt to ongoing poor relations with the United States , but part may also be the result of a collapse of cultural life in Cuba today , particularly in the visual arts .
2 And then , he wrote , there is the question of why that dread should also be a source of excitement .
3 In particular , many companies rely on their bankers ' advice on the type of finance appropriate for particular circumstances , even though the adviser may also be the supplier of the funds .
4 It has previously been found that an enhanced bile acid loss may also be the consequence of diarrhoea and increased intestinal transit itself , and bile acid malabsorption is not often likely to be the primary cause of the diarrhoea .
5 For example , sadness felt within a ritual could also be an emotion ‘ released from the entanglement of contingency ’ .
6 This contest will also be a round of the AES European series .
7 Drawing can also be a way to communicate .
8 Eating can also be an antidote to anxiety .
9 Relatedly , as a means of securing sexual difference , homophobia may also be a displacement of homosocial anger — resentment at coerced identification and the persistent intimidation to conform .
10 Knowing full well that a half would be the husband 's , which would be taxable , the other half would also be the wife 's , and would therefore be taxable if she 'd already absorbed her three four four five .
11 The Pavilion will also be the setting for a concert by the Scottish rock group Wolfstone .
12 Flexibility can also be a disadvantage .
13 And rear seat headroom could also be a problem in the more compact Mercedes .
14 The town could also be a centre of excellence for nursery training , centred on the College of Technology where nursery nursing courses were already hugely oversubscribed .
15 A body could also be a traitor , indulging urges alien to intellect and emotion .
16 Dissolution will also be the consequence of the death or bankruptcy of a partner if the statutory provisions have not been displaced by agreement of all the partners .
17 Security can also be a problem here , so try to park in highly visible places which are less likely to be jammed by visitors ' cars just as you want to get home .
18 Increased confidence can also be the result of using time when unemployed to acquire new skills .
19 Waste can also be a product , for example , where it is sold as a by-product or if it is disposed in a supply situation , rather than a mere discharge , where it may be covered under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 .
20 Gianola will also be a threat too now that Derbi are fast again and Cobas and Aprilia both have good bikes this year .
21 To coincide with a CAMRA 21st birthday party on April 14th , the Queens Head will also be the base for a press launch of Gales Festival mild , a special brew available for a limited period in 21 Gales-tied houses .
22 Invariably an agreement which is the subject of legal proceedings under Articles 85 and 86 before the English Court will also be the subject of consideration before the Commission .
23 There does , however , need to be variety and stimulation within the caseload as part of the lawyer 's ongoing career development , so the question of supervision will also be a factor in the decision .
24 Guilt can also be a form of self-punishment — anger turned against the self , in the absence of self-love and self-forgiveness .
25 Unfortunately this appealing behaviour can also be the goldfish 's downfall if your pond is visited by a heron with the fish greeting the herons arrival by rising to the surface to be fed .
26 Idleness can also be an enemy of rest and relaxation .
27 Ease of access to the beach or countryside may also be a factor ultimately affecting sales potential .
28 Since the nematode may also be a problem in deep litter houses , feeding and watering systems which will limit the contamination of food and water by faeces should be used .
29 Both these factors may apply , but the sequence of learning may also be the result of choices for whatever reason , which those formulating and operating the curriculum may recommend in the light of teaching experience .
30 The roles were not necessarily distinct ; the lead manager may also be an underwriter and a seller .
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