Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] have [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The church is full of concrete symbolism : the priest may have to be male , the words of the prayer book or liturgy are used , the hymns of former generations sung .
2 A Field Agent would have to be cautious .
3 Logically , we would not , but the reply would have to be that given the processing mechanisms we seem to have , it would not be practically possible .
4 The search would have to be illegal and secret — the sort of operation she knew Urquhart 's organisation carried out regularly under the generous blanket of ‘ national security ’ .
5 It was clear almost from the outset that the final instrument would have to be able to compute certain parameters of its measurement function , in order to cope with variations in environment .
6 Screening would have to be systematic and sensitive to what might be termed trouble indicators , of which the following provide some examples .
7 The fact that flu and injury had precluded any live scrummaging last Wednesday had a detrimental effect , and that department will have to be better for Twickenham .
8 GUESTS at Olympic star Sally Gunnell 's October wedding will have to be great sports like her .
9 Under the Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Bill , members of the public will be able to challenge unlawful strikes ; workers will have to give regular written consent to have union subs deducted from salaries and industrial action will have to be subject to a full postal ballot .
10 The desk would have to be large enough to hold all the equipment necessary and also allow space behind for books etc to be stored .
11 And with a faintly questioning intonation that fitzAlan would have to be deaf to miss .
12 A temporary storage depot would have to be established by 1995 and a second would have to be available around 2005 .
13 Even if that were scaled down to 35 TW , the world in 2030 would still require 1.6 times as much oil as in 1980 , 3.4 times as much natural gas and nearly 6 times as much coal , and nuclear capacity would have to be 30 times greater than in 1980 .
14 You 're more likely to have problems with cleaning — if it 's hand washable , the pleats will drip-dry and stay in , but dry-cleaning could be expensive as each pleat may have to be hand-pressed .
15 At densities of 120 persons per acre it was estimated that between 25 per cent and 30 per cent of the population would have to be flat dwellers .
16 The lower scores women might get because of such characteristics would not amount to an absolute condition or requirement which the women failed to meet [ for that , refusal would have to be automatic if , say , someone did not have a bank account ] .
17 A permanent site would have to be ready by 2030 .
18 If ‘ Now I see it as a duck ’ did mean this , then the sensation would have to be such as to lead to the judgement ‘ a drawing of a duck ’ and not such as to lead to the judgement ‘ a drawing of a rabbit ’ .
19 But a 17 keV neutrino would have to be able to spin both ways .
20 Oh , heavens , she panicked , and knew then that her impersonation would have to be good — Ven Gajdusek was nobody 's fool .
21 Gaitskell , Citrine , Self and Wilkinson had all seen earlier that , to be effective , the differential charge would have to be large : perhaps 1¼d .
22 With advice from the head teacher and the LEA representative , when present , the governors presiding over a case conference will have to be able to evaluate the options put forward , including alternative education outside the mainstream school system , and make a recommendation .
23 If the mortgagee will not consent to the husband being released from the mortgage , then the husband will have to be content with an indemnity from the wife ( see Precedents 7 and 8 ) .
24 If the property is subject to a first mortgage and is , for instance , to be conveyed from the husband to the wife , subject to a charge being given in favour of the husband to secure a fixed sum , the husband will have to be satisfied with the security of a second charge , notice of which should be served on the first mortgagee .
25 In some cases , if the person performing the marriage is n't authorised to register the marriage , the registrar may have to be present .
26 An outside registrar may have to be present at the ceremony .
27 ‘ Like as I said to the General , miss , the young gentleman 'll have to be worse afore he 's better . ’
28 Two adjectives … devious is one , he was certainly that ; and I 'm afraid the other would have to be spiteful .
29 In 1982 the Arabs relented , but said that ( a ) they needed the cover of an ‘ international conference ’ and ( b ) that Yasser Arafat 's Palestine Liberation Organisation would have to be present , too .
30 Prices were allowed to rise unchecked , hitting the poor worst of all and adding thousands to their number ; parish relief , it was argued , would provide for the true paupers , and the rest would have to be satisfied with the temporary increase in employment which the war brought with it .
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