Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [be] [verb] to good " in BNC.

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1 For it had occurred to me that the proposed trip in the car could be put to good professional use ; that is to say , I could drive to the West Country and call on Miss Kenton in passing , thus exploring at first hand the substance of her wish to return to employment here at Darlington Hall .
2 But thought itself can be creative and this creative thinking can be put to good use in all areas of life — from running a business to preparing for Christmas .
3 As long as this is respected , the rigidity can be used to good purpose .
4 This can sometimes be done very successfully by helping her to channel her energy and abilities into some local club or voluntary service organisation where her talent for management can be put to good use , as well as meeting her own need to be a little bit of a ‘ bossy-boots ’ .
5 The old money-lender with her ‘ Jewish ’ interest rates is to be murdered because her life is worthless and her hoarded wealth can be put to good use ; when the unimportant deed is done the doer will launch himself into something that really matters , a large-scale philanthropic exercise .
6 Those resources in property and money could be put to good use to top up the £23 million housing improvement programme allocation this year , the £12.5 million of estate action money , the £71 million of Housing Corporation money and the £15 million for the vacant dwellings initiative .
7 A piano can be used to good effect with the organ , provided its pitch is compatible .
8 But when several such businesses are aggregated at a dockside location the economy of scale offered by the worldwide container business can be put to good advantage both in cost and speed by even the smallest manufacturing unit .
9 ‘ The new skills and knowledge will be put to good use in the Occupational Health Department .
10 But as with most things scientific , it 'll be at least 5 years before the information gathered from the Oxfordshire countryside will be put to good use by the forecasters .
11 Although I was unemployed I paid my subscription as I knew the money would be put to good use .
12 This is particularly so in beef herds where nutritional supplementation will be limited to good quality roughage .
13 The money will be put to good use , and the work is labour-effective .
14 This led him to suggest that perhaps bladders full of oxygen and gunpowder might be used to good effect in mining .
15 However , this is no excuse for inaction , for a number of systems have been described which are of considerable assistance ; for example , the Telford system which relies largely on professional judgement can be used to good effect ( 1 ) .
16 The evidence shows that such children will make greater progress in English if they know that their knowledge of their mother tongue is valued , if it is recognised that their experience of language is likely to be greater than that of their monoglot peers and , indeed , if their knowledge and experience can be put to good use in the classroom to the benefit of all pupils to provide examples of the structure and syntax of different languages , to provide a focus for discussion about language forms and for contrast and comparison with the structure of the English language .
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