Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [adv] help [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A coach will then help each student select those methods which match the dynamic performance of the kayak in use and which are most appropriate to the personal aims and values of the trainee .
2 Over the past years , many claims have been made suggesting that the inclusion of some particular food in a slimming diet would specifically help overweight people to shed weight more quickly and effectively .
3 A solution to the crisis would also help Iranian efforts to obtain Western credits for economic reconstruction .
4 The imminent publication of guidelines on employing counsellors in primary care prepared by a working party of the British Association for Counselling will greatly help those family health services authorities and general practitioners who have yet to develop such guidelines or do not understand how to assess the qualifications and competence of counsellors they wish to employ and work with .
5 Liz Lee reveals how progress in robotic engineering can potentially help ENT surgeons do safer and more accurate operations .
6 In the debate that followed , right-wing think-tanks pressed for radical changes : from introducing a requirement that people insure themselves against health bills and the state should merely help poor individuals , through tax relief to encourage private insurance , to the introduction of competition into the health market ( Letwin and Redwood , 1988 ; Pirie and Butler , 1988 ; Willetts and Goldsmith , 1988 ; Robinson , 1988 ) .
7 The government could also help Scottish consumers by agreeing to write off existing debt on water and sewerage to create equal conditions with English and Welsh water and sewerage arrangements .
8 This approach can also help those people who feel a sense of threat from other people 's opinions and so bulldoze them first so that others are prevented from expressing their views .
9 The new project will greatly help these cyclists as well as lessening the effects of car pollution .
10 ‘ Over exposure wo n't help one bit ! ’
11 Knowledge that there is strong local support for its continuation and use for worship can only help this cause and counter any arguments being put for the other side .
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