Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] being [vb pp] by the " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , de Groot 's fears , expressed in 1983 , have been reiterated by Emory in 1988 who states that in 1986 some 26023 tourists visited the islands and that the problems of environmental protection are being exacerbated by the influx of mainland Ecuadoreans seeking wealth in the tourist trade .
2 Sir , — We are all well aware that the harsh effects of the present recession are being felt by the accountancy profession to a degree that is certainly unprecedented in my memory .
3 MEMBERS of Parliament are being canvassed by the New Statesman , the weekly left-wing magazine , to find which books have influenced them .
4 Every day , wrote one social investigator , the ‘ old methods which require manual skill and long practice are being superseded by the progress of mechanical invention .
5 The NHS was created at a time of post-war reconstruction , when large sections of British industry were being nationalised by the Labour government .
6 Thus once incomes had been pooled and responsibilities for the various household outgoings apportioned , it was clear that some of the carers in Glendinning 's study were being supported by the disabled or elderly person .
7 An Alumni Association is being planned by the School of Hospitality Studies at Thames Valley University .
8 The restoration programme is being funded by the Banca Toscana .
9 This proposed that mid-oceanic ridges represent regions where new oceanic crust is being generated by the upwelling of hot mantle material .
10 David McNeil , who is retiring on Friday as senior depute director of education , admitted to ‘ loose and inappropriate ’ remarks after The Scotsman disclosed that his department is being investigated by the Commission for Racial Equality .
11 Well no , you see what 's happening there is , is a , a demand or a drive from the id is being gratified by the ego .
12 The research is being done by the Museo del Castello di Rivoli and its director Ida Gianelli .
13 Colleagues I propose to take the vote one five eight as Mick 's indication is being opposed by the C E C. All those in favour of one five eight against that 's lost .
14 A fresh attempt is being made by the European Commission to settle an EC institutional dispute over titanium dioxide pollution .
15 Bu but it , it 's , it 's momentum is being given by the poor .
16 The belief that there is no real alternative is being challenged by the activities of teachers working in consultative/support roles and by an increasing body of research .
17 The Court of Session action is being raised by the lord provost of Edinburgh , Norman Irons , and the Sheriff-Principal of Lothian and Borders , Gordon Nicholson , in an attempt to reassert their rights as co-trustees of the Torrie Collection .
18 Another 6 p.c. is being sold by the Commonwealth Development Corporation , giving the Chinese a 15 p.c. interest and binding them into partnership with P&O and other shipping lines such as the Danish Maersk .
19 The blockade had been mounted after rumours that the true Baku death toll was being concealed by the military authorities ' dumping of bodies of victims in the Caspian Sea .
20 The IDA and the company were accused by Donal Creed TD , then Ireland 's spokesperson on health and the environment at the European Parliament , of resorting to brainwashing and threatening tactics by declaring that Cork 's industrial future was being jeopardized by the opposition , while Flor Crowley , TD , said the opposition would do Ireland more good than harm internationally and Councillor Martin Corry said the proposal was for ‘ a cancer factory ’ and should be ‘ thrown out ’ .
21 The gap was being filled by the arrivals .
22 Doris 's script was being gimmicked by the typists .
23 Now their Cult of Pleasure was being persecuted by the agents of the distant Phoenix King .
24 While textiles were always the major item , the old trade in pepper was being displaced by the coffee trade with Arabia , and by the trade in tea , which then came exclusively from China .
25 Small time offenders in need of psychiatric help are being jailed by the courts because of a rundown of psychiatric hospitals .
26 ‘ Questionable share deals involving the Miss World group and the pension funds of a county council are being investigated by the Stock Exchange and the City 's Takeover Panel after their disclosure by ‘ The Sunday Times ’ Insight team .
27 New ways of delivering legal advice and assistance are being explored by the Legal Aid Board including schemes which will franchise certain work to specific firms or agencies rather than making such advice available from any solicitor ( Smith , 1989 ) .
28 Only now the coherence and the poetry were being deluged by the reality , or hope , of psychedelic drugs .
29 If the Princess is being guided by the stars on her next move , her star gazer is n't letting on .
30 ‘ The rural aspect of the village is being eroded by the leisure facilities of the hotel , ’ he said .
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