Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] the [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Forthcoming events for the London Breweries Association are the athletics meeting at Enfield on July 21 and the tennis contest at Park Royal on August 15 .
2 The terms MSS4-MSS7 are the values recorded in MSS bands 4 to 7 for the pixel concerned .
3 Reliability , simplicity , small size and light weight are the things to look for in the many models on the market today .
4 Uppermost in the priorities of his concentration are the voices coming through the headset he is wearing .
5 The majority of the evidence for such a study are the grave-goods found in cemeteries , although the growing number of excavated settlements is slowly extending our knowledge .
6 Shots of the product in use or in an unusual setting are the type to aim for in this area .
7 Liquid crystals exhibiting a twisted nematic ( rodlike ) effect are the ones used in most calculator displays and in some TV schemes .
8 Colonial power , religious belief , separation , racist oppression , migration , miscegenation , black politics , music , adventure , desire , passion , pleasure are the themes touched upon by some of the films being screened .
9 Indeed , this has in effect been the argument made by many international lawyers in the years after Hiroshima .
10 The carpet has been there for three years and is still in good condition — the only signs of wear are the marks left by ‘ wee Lachie ’ , the Stewarts ' three-year-old son .
11 The most interesting results of the study were the relationships observed between risk ratings and P(A) within these sets of items .
12 Equally important for understanding of religion is the ability to distinguish between what is peripheral and what is central .
13 ‘ The archangel is the title given to the leader of the Luciferi .
14 Internal or kinaesthetic feedback is the feeling obtained from the muscles when performing a skill .
15 The War of the Spanish Succession is the name given to a period of European conflict from 1701 to 1714 , fought between Britain , Austria .
16 Each of the plaintiffs is a member of the scheme and the first defendant is the ombudsman appointed under it .
17 The highest price on record for a Picasso is £28.1m which was paid in May for his self-portrait , Yo Picasso , of 1901 ; the highest price for any picture at auction is the £30.9m paid in 1987 for Van Gogh 's Irises .
18 The mind is the word used for that still mysterious part of living creatures that controls the time , intensity and direction of physical and mental activity .
19 Particularly challenging to the criminal lawyer is the role played by consent in the medical-legal context .
20 One of my favourites for growing in containers on a patio or terrace is the heliotrope used for bedding .
21 Marketing research is the title given to those activities which aim to provide information about markets and marketing methods for the purpose of facilitating decision-making in marketing .
22 Purchaser research is the name given to the research services we can provide to our clients to help them advance and achieve strategic objectives .
23 A further possible area of confusion is the terminology associated with quality assurance .
24 The ingredient that causes this effect is the solvent contained in many brands of glue as well as many other household and industrial products .
25 The boom is the pole running across the bottom of the sail , designed to swing across the boat and hit you on the head when you try to turn .
26 A cheap and as good alternative is the gravel found at builder 's suppliers .
27 The figure is the amount said to be raised from the sale of council homes under the Conservative 's right-to-buy legislation but which local authorities are not allowed to spend .
28 The plaintiff in a personal injury action is the person hurt as a result of an accident .
29 It was as long ago as 1863 that Lister pointed out , ‘ the real cause of the coagulation of blood is the influence exerted on it by ordinary matter … the contact of which effects a disposition to coagulate ’ .
30 Whether the primary motive for the association was the wish to appear to be in partnership or to avoid being identified as sole practitioners was not clear , but the Tribunal drew attention to the fact that " such a sham partnership would serve to mislead the public who are entitled to believe that the persons being held out as being partners would enjoy the full relationship of support and responsibility which that state engendered " .
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