Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] taken to [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The quintessential form of the latter type is taken to be the blues .
2 The second period mean of the vacancy-wage distribution is taken to be the same as the first period mean adjusted for wage growth and inflation in the economy as a whole .
3 On the basis of their findings , Braveman and Jarvis ( 1978 ) put forward the suggestion that latent inhibition derives from a loss of effectiveness by the specific cues that characterize the CS ( and thus requires pre-exposure to that very stimulus ) , whereas neophobia is taken to be a reaction to the aversive properties of novelty per se and can be attenuated by prior exposure to any other novel event ( see also Braveman 1978 ) .
4 The highest interpretation at some point was taken to be the correct answer .
5 The amount of total inorganic bromine was taken to be a linear function of the amount of total inorganic chlorine constrained by high-latitude measurements .
6 Knowledge was taken to be the product of an extended logical essay — the output of the repeated application in a single coherent text of the technique of examining an assertion to determine all of its implications . ’
7 The thought that the world might have been different in a certain respect is taken to be the thought that there is a possible world which does differ from the actual world in that respect ( and probably others too ) .
8 What is ethologically implausible about Ullman 's hypotheses is not that they involve some ( unconscious ) knowledge about material objects and normal viewing conditions , but rather that they assume the perception of rigid objects to be basic , while perception of non-rigid movement is taken to be a more complex special case .
9 In most of the authoritative cases the direction is taken to be the steering and the movement is taken to be the acceleration and braking .
10 For this exercise , the procedure being examined is that carried out within a section , and the procedure owner is taken to be the person who could authorise changes at this level ( eg by the introduction of pro-formats for day-to-day recording of mileage etc ) , in this case the head of each section .
11 For example , even if the essence of democracy is taken to be the process of choosing between elites competing to govern , the very business of choosing can hardly be confined to the visit to the polling booth .
12 Brucan 's additional claim that public opinion was being formed by a one-time Ceausescu collaborator was taken to be a reference to one of the NSF 's most public critics , Octavian Paler , editor of the newspaper Romania Libera , who had published an interview given by Brucan to the Independent which quoted him as saying that only intellectuals were fit to run the country .
13 The total perimeter was then taken to be the sum of the outer shape with the inner shape perimeter , whilst the total area was taken to be the difference between the outer and inner areas .
14 As will become clear , this claim is crucial to the development of the Report 's strategy , given that the rise of modern industrial society is taken to be a major progenitor of contemporary " accidental and conventional " social and cultural divisions .
15 The onset of Stage 2 sleep is taken to be the first sleep spindle or K complex .
16 This black hole is taken to be a neutral non-rotating black hole ( Schwarzschild black hole ) .
17 The portent in the sky was taken to be the outcome of a timely intercession by Joan of Arc , at that time a quite recent martyr .
18 If that clause was taken to be a definition of the Government 's position and repeatedly referred to as an escape route , which appears to be the intention , it would fundamentally undermine confidence in the Government 's commitment to the European process .
19 Her language and conduct in the play were taken to be an indication that the author was obviously ‘ a male chauvinist pig ’ , whatever that may mean .
20 Then , if the 3-axis is taken to be the axis of the bar where L is the applied load and A is the cross-sectional area .
21 The length of coverage is taken to be the number of days that a case is mentioned during the search stage .
22 In most of the authoritative cases the direction is taken to be the steering and the movement is taken to be the acceleration and braking .
23 In the case of narrative syntax this basic unit is taken to be the clause which is in turn composed of a subject and a predicate .
24 When included , the inner shape was taken to be a hole or cut out in the total shape .
25 Rather , because the public interest is taken to be the root of corporate legitimacy , compliance with whatever ‘ social responsibility ’ demands is seen as a pre-requisite , a defining condition , for the possession of power .
26 This was initially obtained using the inverse scattering technique in which the initial ‘ seed ’ solution is taken to be the Kasner or Stoyanov solution given by ( 10.20 ) or ( 10.29 ) .
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