Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] go [prep] be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The US Air Force is going to be installing 350 DEC Alpha AXP workstations by April .
2 For the first time in its brief history , the semiconductor industry is going to be making , and trying to sell , three generations of memory chips in large volumes at the same time .
3 Oswaldston 's going to be living off Walter Machin for a few years . ’
4 This week the Action Team are going to be getting to grips with the Council Tax which came into effect from the 1st of April this year and affects us all .
5 If the outstanding quality of the Limited is any guide , the Motorsport team is going to be bringing many more smiles to people 's faces .
6 And I 'm quite sure that a major factor in their recovery is going to be knowing that their children are happy , and being well cared for . ’
7 He had devoted Sunday evening to making a plan of action and knew exactly what he and everyone else he could press into service was going to be doing this morning .
8 So that that the leaflet 's going to be going out in a mega mailing .
9 Lugh was going to be playing a decisive part in this victory .
10 In the time that I have to move the report I 'd like to concentrate on some of the developments that have been taking place in health and safety this is not to , er , give the impression that environmental developments are not important but over this next year the government are going to be taking certain measures that we need to be aware of , er , in the health and safety area .
11 Zen 's barking background could only have been a big plus the day he found a newborn baby whose entire experience of life was going to be lying abandoned for a few hours by a creek near Plymouth .
12 That 's obviously the main important thing for me and erm you know , that 's what all the effort 's going to be going in to .
13 ‘ I suppose the difficulty is going to be finding a time in the next couple of weeks when we 're both free . ’
14 A kind of ghost is going to be riding down the path for er , when it 's actually a Rochester
15 Alright , in something like horti horticulture , right , the main , the main cost is going to be harvesting costs , the labour , the labour costs , right , and this is why if you go into the er , into somewhere like Somerset when there 's been a bumper harvest , and just see the fruit rotting on the trees .
16 Now the problem is going to be finding any where to park .
17 The whole problem was going to be catching her off her guard .
18 In an attempt to sharpen up the spongy brakes on my IIa , I am working on a process of elimination and the next venture was going to be flushing the system and changing the fluid .
19 ‘ My primary task is going to be trying to make that work , improve it and lift the level in various countries .
20 Her main task is going to be working out how early bronze age farmers collected together enough of the burnt bone fragments to bury them
21 Her main task is going to be working out how early bronze age farmers collected together enough of the burnt bone fragments to bury them
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