Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] a [noun] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The result is a warning from chairman Roy Bishko that full year results will be ‘ significantly lower ’ .
2 In metaphysics , the understanding of everything begins with mind , not with natural science , and modern philosophy 's flight from mind is a flight from reality .
3 Right Confirmation is a call from God .
4 A fragile letter from Nelson with a tear in the fold is a letter from Nelson and nothing can detract from its lustre .
5 The difference is analogous to that between breakaway Protestantism and Catholicism , as rock was a breakaway from pop .
6 I believe that homosexuality is a gift from God .
7 ‘ I believe that homosexuality is a gift from God .
8 THIS amazing vehicle is an idea from FORD for a less oil dependent future .
9 I had never done a drawing solely in watercolour crayons before , and so the whole piece of work was a challenge from beginning to end to end .
10 The only analogous antiquity is a candlestick from Capri given to the Museum by Sir William Hamilton .
11 Of a different nature was a proposal from Enfield College of Technology , the first such to be considered , for a part-time BA in Social Science for qualified teachers .
12 On the mat was a letter from Winston Churchill .
13 The cutting edge of his sword was a hair's-breadth from Barakai 's forehead .
14 Paragraph four of General Montgomery 's personal message to the men of 2lst Army Group was a verse from Montrose 's ‘ My Dear and Only Love ’ :
15 Maybe there will one day be a novel from Amis which portrays the Patrick Standish of the Eighties — more baleful , no doubt , on certain subjects , nicer to his cat , surrounded by the monuments of the New Right and by the debris of the swinging past to which he had once been a contributor .
16 This wild bouffant is a creation from Carole Rickaby at Tusk .
17 The current world champion is an accountant from Ipswich and the year before , Durham University maths student Robert Fulford won the title , which he wrested from someone in New Zealand .
18 Her dear sweet silky head was a breath from Jay 's lips , but Jay sensed in her a wild creature that scares easily , and held her tongue , her lips , her sanctified body , in check .
19 His architect was a Frenchman from Avignon , Matthieu d'Arras , who worked in the then fashionable high Gothic style .
20 Incorporated into the sculpture is a quote from Albert Einstein , ‘ Knowledge is great but imagination is even greater ’ .
21 A jolt is a rescue from sleep
22 BAILEY 'S FATHER was a tailor from East Ham .
23 His father was an immigrant from British Guyana , his mother a local woman who , according to Turpin 's biographer Jack Birtley , had to withstand the stigma attributed to those making ‘ mixed marriages ’ ( 1976 , p. 13 ) .
24 The heavy freight diesel replacement policy was a muddle from beginning to end .
25 The core of the collection was a gift from collector Eugen Gomringers , and will be augmented by permanent loans from collectors in Munich and Cologne .
26 At the centre is a man from South Carolina who is unhappy in marriage .
27 The occasion for the split in the National Union was a call from women involved in the International Women 's Suffrage Alliance for delegates to attend a Women 's Congress in The Hague in April 1915 , the first major international meeting of any kind since the outbreak of war .
28 The most interesting new PEP is a plan from Broker Financial Services , which guarantees the initial investment by investing part of the money outside the PEP in zero dividend preference shares in investment trusts .
29 The next thing was a memorandum from Bill Waddy , the News Editor , which said : ‘ Your department 's turn , I think . ’
30 Anyway , this mate of his and his wife — things went from bad to worse , seems he met this woman from Dundee who travelled down regular on the same train and one day he just Got Off with her and the upshot of the whole thing was a Dear-Jeannette-Letter from Sullom Voe .
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