Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] that he [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The irony is that he referred to the mutual relevance of science and religion in at least three different respects , each of which magnified , rather than resolved , his difficulties .
2 But what remains important about Barthes 's substantive work is that he points to cultural phenomena in the everyday realm that are ( or were ) regarded as insignificant — they are , he reveals , laden with meaning and social and political significance .
3 What left his stamp on the stewardship of our movement was that he held to these passions so tenaciously and yet drew on inner reserves that illumined them with an unshakeable commitment to excellence and that rarest of all qualities personal integrity .
4 The reason is that he began to seen the economic concepts on which the society of his time was based , such concepts as value , price , property , and above all , labour , as the nineteenth-century equivalent of religion .
5 The reason we know that God recognises this dimension in the human personality is that he goes to such great lengths to make it very clear that he loves us , and one of his primary commands to us is that we must love one another .
6 The irritating thing was that he seemed to be unaware of the beneficial effects of AZT , or the creative potential of AIDS sufferers .
7 The strange thing was that he spoke to everybody with a different accent .
8 The fact is that he went to a race meeting at Silverstone in 1965 and decided right then and there that what he wanted most was to be a racing driver .
9 Hagans was staying at a bail hostel at the time where the only restriction was that he had to be in beween 11 a.m. in the evening and 7 a.m. in the morning .
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