Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [to-vb] [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A good way of familiarising yourself with the principle of intervallic interchange is to set yourself the following task , both on and away from your guitar .
2 It 's the 10th time the event has been held and the aim is to make it the biggest and best yet !
3 With such ancient remains , the first need is to accord them the same protection as other ancient monuments .
4 This is done electronically now , but the principle is , is often the same , and the instinct is to do it the same .
5 Government concern is to develop what the Foreign Office called a mechanism to turn people round more quickly and prevent them from arriving at a destination where they were unwanted .
6 The object sought to be achieved in construing any commercial contract is to ascertain what the mutual intentions of the parties were as to the legal obligations each assumed by the contractual words in which they chose to express them ( Pioneer Shipping Ltd v BTP Tioxide Ltd [ 1981 ] 2 All ER 1030 ) .
7 The progress of this story was to show me the essential solitariness of other people , people whom I had not thought of as being solitary before .
8 Or your last option is to do what the good folk at the training agency have done , which is they claim that the today marker is not erm , sturdy enough , so they superglue the er , the two markers together , to make it thicker .
9 As the language system is the focus of our study here , we start with the idea of the linguistic variable ( for example the vowel /a/ in such items as cat , bad , have ) , and our first task is to discover what the possible variants of a variable may be : subsequently , the quantitative distribution of linguistic variants may be demonstrated by reference to the familiar speaker-variables of social dialectology , such as age and sex of speaker .
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