Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [prep] [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The disagreement was about how this decentralization was to be explained .
2 The corollary of the theory , of course , is that ads for the cheap , day-to-day , convenience type of product are of so little interest to anybody that they should carry a minimum of information , and that they will even then have great difficulty in achieving any very active response from customers .
3 Like ‘ mere ’ compatibility , ‘ mere ’ incompatibility is of relatively little interest : the fact that affix and volcano are incompatibles is not specially informative .
4 Businessman Ravi was in so much pain he cancelled his booking on the doomed airbus — which crashed in the Himalayas killing 113 people .
5 The place which now bears its name is in quite another part of town and is run by men who did n't even know Madame .
6 The start is at 9am each day and the competition sponsored by McDonald 's .
7 My girlfriend 's cousin 's in there this week Mark .
8 My girlfriend 's cousin 's in there this week .
9 Since the monarchy is in so many respects the visible representation of the nation , the merest whiff of criticism draws the fire of every tub-thumping little Englander with access to a microphone .
10 For a philosopher , whether an idea is logical or illogical is very important , but for an historian of ideas this concern is of relatively little significance .
11 " Oh , " Quiss said , shaking his great bearded head quickly as though the whole subject was of too little consequence to be worth discussing , " they said they 'd see what they could do .
12 ‘ A copy of the letter is of very little use to our scientific experts . ’
13 From the user 's point of view , the source of a requested item is of far less interest than speed of supply .
14 Karelius was in very little doubt .
15 As you know , it 's pretty easy to stay within R & A guidelines as long as any kinks in the shaft are within so many inches of the putter head and so on .
16 When the Tate divides up , the two sections should likewise be totally divorced , which would avoid the centrality of power being in too few hands .
17 Although the peasantry continued to account for over 80 per cent of the population , discontent among the urban poor and especially the industrial working class was of scarcely less significance than the unrest in the countryside .
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