Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [vb pp] a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Each defendant and his witness are given a limited time — say fifteen minutes altogether — in the box .
2 ‘ When I step back from it all , I see tennis was invented a long time ago .
3 ‘ The entire community was resettled a long time ago .
4 Once a Bill is read a first time , it can be printed and is usually available the next day .
5 Mr. Brian Wilson ( Cunninghame , North ) : I beg to move , That the clause be read a Second time .
6 I beg to move , That the clause be read a Second time
7 Question put , That the clause be read a Second time :
8 I beg to move , That the clause be read a Second time .
9 The Question is , That the clause be read a Second time .
10 In opposing a Bill , however , the opposition ( occasionally it may be a dissident member of the government party ) will move an amendment not to the text of the Bill , but to the motion that the Bill be read a second time ( the motion before the House ) .
11 The usual one is an amendment to the effect ‘ that the Bill be read a second time upon this day six months ’ hence' when , historically , the session would have ended and the Bill thus have lapsed .
12 A Member simply gives notice and eventually moves that the Bill be read a first time .
13 Read the first time on 12 February 1844 , his creditors and debtors bill was read a second time on 30 April .
14 Where the principle object of a Bill was money , it was formerly the practice for it to be made the subject of a debate in the Commons upon a resolution before the Bill was read a first time .
15 Iain Christie , chairman of the processing group , said : ‘ This promotion was arranged a long time ago , before this import situation surfaced .
16 The old city was abandoned a second time , given over to romantics , theorists , transients and dogs .
17 What is more , much of government expenditure is committed a long time in advance and can not easily be cut .
18 Brown Owl was gone a long time , but at last she came back , and leaning on her arm and limping was the pilot of the plane .
19 The estate was sold a long time ago to the Dukes of Devonshire and was tenanted at one time by the Reverend Thomas Fosbroke , the celebrated antiquary .
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