Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [adv] [verb] at some " in BNC.

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1 A child was fatally injured at some time between noon and 8.30 pm .
2 Clearly , the mill was largely rebuilt at some point in the 19th century , the brick-built section tying into the much older stone range .
3 We move away from the Germans as the Brigadier is now pointing at some other unfortunate bastards .
4 Actual OPEC output was currently estimated at some 23,500,000 bpd .
5 Medical advice is generally sought at some stage , but the action taken by general practitioners still seems to be suboptimal and shows considerable geographical variation .
6 Stop Consonant Here the breath is completely stopped at some point in the mouth by the lips or tongue-lip or tongue-back , and then released with a slight explosion .
7 The first meeting was held on March 2nd and it was stated that a bridge was much wanted at some point between Rochester and Aylesford .
8 The owner was angrily shouting at some boys to stop bumping the cars deliberately .
9 The design of the qualification was also discussed at some length .
10 The face was probably polished at some time , the reverse is rougher but beaten rather than cast .
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