Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [verb] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Is regulation really defensible , or should the practice be left unfettered from regulatory controls ?
2 The programme is made possible through generous financial support from the Wales Council for Voluntary Action and the Countryside Council for Wales .
3 Where , as is usually the case , an instrument is laid subject to negative resolution , the position is that it will obtain or , more commonly , retain the force of law unless , within the stipulated time , the House rejects it .
4 Where an instrument is laid subject to affirmative resolution procedure , the Government sponsoring it must find time in the Houses for a vote on it and it must secure an affirmative vote .
5 23 : A-Team in place but high-risk lightweight summit attempt is abandoned due to heavy storm .
6 When a number of small files are written to tape , a lot of tape is wasted due to inter-file gaps which are inserted between each file .
7 In this case , the terminal is set wide for interactive viewing , and the page size is adjusted to the screen depth automatically .
8 Today , genetic screening is expanding due to genetic engineering technology .
9 Last month , the club was found guilty of financial irregularities and fined £50,000 by the Football League , then last week Fry was sacked and the club , plus Flashman 's north London mansion , was raided by tax officials .
10 His car was stuffed full of large pink teddy bears .
11 The boat was kept open by hinged side struts and a straining device at both ends .
12 Meanwhile the other lawyer was growing impatient with Bartocci for allowing himself to be imposed upon in this way by his pushy and unscrupulous colleague instead of attending to his utterly reasonable request for bail or a visitor 's pass or access to official files .
13 The script was left open by straw-clutching executives at Grundy TV who were still clinging vainly to the hope that their biggest audience puller might one day return .
14 The use of stewards was banned at open air meetings , and insulting words likely to cause a breach of the peace were declared unlawful in public speeches .
15 Presented at a recent meeting of the British Psychological Society in York , they suggest that any link between slightly raised lead levels and impaired intelligence is rendered insignificant by other social factors .
16 A SPECIAL constable was shot dead at point-blank range and his colleague gunned down at a routine police check , an Old Bailey court heard yesterday .
17 The long space between wardrobe and window was piled high with unwanted furniture , broken chairs , boxes , old gardening tools and stacks of old newspapers .
18 This distinction is made possible by other pheromones , called colony odours .
19 Sometimes Chinese Walls are used ; at other times firewalls , whereby a certain type of business is conducted separate from ordinary business , within a specialized subsidiary set up specifically for this purpose .
20 Similar to covenant payments , the gift is made net of basic rate tax .
21 Suburban life away from the noise and bustle of the work place was made possible by improved transport facilities in the form of horse-drawn omnibuses , suburban railways and eventually the electric trams .
22 The pathfinder prospectus was made available for public viewing on March 16 , and the full prospectus will be released on March 24 .
23 In 1926 the recovery was cut short by severe labour troubles , marked by the General Strike and a prolonged stoppage in the coal industry .
24 Certificates , diplomas and records of achievement are sent direct to external candidates by the HCIMA .
25 Gravy is made fresh from boiled turkey bones .
26 The basic method of form criticism is to compare like with like , to determine the characteristic features of a particular type of literature , and then to suggest reasons for these features .
27 Because their demands were nil , the Masai could be approached in a way which came close to the Colonial Service 's proclaimed ideal of disinterested benevolence .
28 The resulting price and output combination for this period ( 1 ) is unc — price is set equal to short-run marginal cost SMC , and , it turns out in figure 4.1 , is less than long-run marginal cost .
29 On May 18 a Byelorussian policeman was shot dead by Lithuanian personnel at a customs post on the Byelorussia-Lithuania border .
30 This weekend , on the anniversary , the event was recreated complete with Mad Hatter 's tea party presided over by the Queen of Hearts herself .
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