Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [verb] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They are required to think about the new language and with guidance are helped to work out the rules of grammar for themselves .
2 Angry students at Margaret Thatcher 's old Oxford college are threatening to sue over a decision to admit men .
3 In a memorable analogy the black African nationalist ( and socialist ) leader Leopold Senghor had said that the French Union must not be built like a cage that no one would care to enter ; but in the Ho-Sainteny agreement the Vietminh were in effect being asked to take up the tenancy of a building that had not yet been constructed .
4 A crash programme is needed to build up the economy , boost training and create new jobs . ’
5 Whilst no attempt is made to play down the importance of local rules to meet local needs , the existence of certain shared values is reflected in the provisions of the Code .
6 What worries me , said one Vice-Chancellor , is that the policy of the government is to leave the universities autonomous , as they are , with the implication that they are irresponsible , to stew in their own juice , while an attempt is made to build up a rival system , via the CNAA .
7 At the moment it seems that Labour is poised to pick up a good swathe of its targets — but not , yet , quite enough of them to put Mr Kinnock safely into Downing Street .
8 Here short-pile fabric is used to pick out the main pattern shapes , providing a relief pattern that highlights the design .
9 For instance , an employee is asked to send in a regular report on how certain work is progressing .
10 But with this , as with council-house building , no real attempt was made to turn back the clock on processes that were ultimately totally to transform the character of Britain 's housing market .
11 An attempt was made to blow up a police chief .
12 After which an attempt was made to set out the most elementary logical conditions that must be satisfied before anything can qualify as a potential existent .
13 In addition to the methods mentioned above , which were used specifically to evaluate the undergraduate information retrieval course , an attempt was made to carry out a long-term study on the use of the library with regard to reasons for use , materials used , success in carrying out literature searches etc .
14 In February 1952 an attempt was made to burn down an Evangelical church in Seville , and Cardinal Segura published a virulently anti-Protestant pastoral letter , in which he effectively accused Franco of betraying the sacred identity of Spain as a Catholic nation .
15 Child labour was bound to take on a different quality when removed from the home and , in the case of the pauper factory apprentices , from the locality of upbringing .
16 Leeds ' former England defender was forced to sit out the final ten matches of last season 's title charge with an ankle injury that needed surgery .
17 It was , of course , by far a situation too good to last and in time , gazing down the glen , a solitary figure was spied struggling up the brae — without a kit-bag — the WAAFs identified their squadron officer ( known as Belladonna ) apparently about to make her first call on her troops in the wild , I was never able at first hand to witness this airmen 's paradise but it is a story that passed the rounds at Kinloss .
18 Now a local Tory MP is demanding that Shire Hall be sold to pay off the authority 's massive debts .
19 The interchange has deteriorated badly in the 19 years since completion and repair work is involving jacking up the deck of sections of sliproad still in use in order to extract the decaying crosshead beams for replacement .
20 Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost or valuation of tangible assets other than freehold land over their estimated useful lives .
21 Depreciation is provided to write off the cost or valuation , less estimated residual values , of all tangible fixed assets , except freehold lane , over their expected useful lives .
22 Depreciation is provided to write off the cost less estimated residual values of all fixed assets , except freehold land , over their expected useful lives .
23 Depreciation is provided to write off the cost less estimated residual values of all fixed assets , except freehold land , over their expected useful lives .
24 Arthur 's fling with Mrs Hewitt , played by Michael Aspel 's wife , Lizzie Power , has turned into a serious affair and the unlikely Lothario is trying to pluck up the courage to leave his wife , Pauline .
25 Repeated presentation of a stimulus is held to bring about a decline in the size of the attentional response .
26 In the light of growing evidence that the duty to report chartered accountants for breaches of regulations and other misdemeanours is putting Institute members off seeking help from other chartered accountants , the Institute is to consider setting up a confidential advisory scheme , possibly at district society level , which would be run along lines similar to the ‘ confessional ’ .
27 ‘ Considering the Council is planning to close down the Library because you ca n't keep track of things properly . ’
28 Suffice it to observe meanwhile that no great arithmetical nous is required to work out a formula indicating the limit of the WGMS 's capacity to rectify anomalies .
29 Tear gas was used against demonstrators at Brokdorf and Grohnde in West Germany ; at Kalkar a moat was dug to keep out an army of protesters .
30 A thirteen-person steering committee was elected to draw up a draft constitution and a programme of activities .
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