Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] one [prep] which the " in BNC.

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1 Also , I should say that erm the District Health Authorities now also have the right to initiate this , and of course they are more likely to be in contact with children who are under erm school age , and so it 's going to imply that the different services within the Local Authorities are going to have to work quite closely together on this one and what you should have , by the time a statement is prepared , is a very detailed profile of a particular child and one in which the parent has been consulted and various other people have been consulted .
2 He wanted to make another attempt at the kind of theatrical work with which he had experimented in Sweeney Agonistes — a verse drama but one in which the verse seems the natural expression of modern life , and which is able in a heightened or symbolic context to employ the tones and inflections of ordinary , contemporary speech .
3 This would result in flow of the matrix over the undeformed fibrils giving , again , a permanently deformed product but one in which the fibril length was unchanged .
4 I have often heard this said as a last-ditch attempt by adults to find consolation or uplift from a dreich church service or one in which the sermon was the dominant factor and was long-winded or incomprehensible or both .
5 This will be a price worth paying only if the vital expressive quality of the work is sustained and enhanced ; that is to say , whether the carer be man or woman , the tasks to be performed involve a relationship with the old person and one in which the essential core of the response should be benign and experienced by the old person as loving .
6 It is an autumnal sign and one in which the ‘ balance ’ might be tipped one way or another , and in sexuality could hover between male and female , with one sexual scale dipping then the other rising obediently and almost passively , distantly , independently , in an alternation of identities and desires that I knew so well .
7 Your book now is going to bear much more relation to reality than one in which the murderer has to perform two or three pretty unlikely actions so as to provide the impenetrable mystery .
8 Writing in the FRC 's second annual review , Sir Ron warns that ‘ the next year will be a controversial one for the ASB and one in which the Board will need strong support ’ .
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