Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] can be seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This stand-alone receiver is the latest addition to the ap range and can be seen for the first time at the London Boat Show .
2 The famous storage facility ‘ Platinum Hill ’ also received damage and can be seen in the background .
3 And despite the universal competition of animals for limited resources , settled territoriality will , like ritualized fighting and dominance , have the consequence of reducing the amount of naked aggression that can be seen in nature .
4 In 1982 , over 40 per cent of the people labelled as of Asian or West Indian origin were , in fact , born in this country although the proportion varies from group to group as can be seen from figure 5.1 .
5 ‘ The eschaton is a future event but , to the extent that our lives are determined and qualified by it , it is also a contemporary event , an event that can be seen in the signs of the times ’ ( Nolan 1976:76 ) .
6 The adult worms which measure up to 2.5 cm are bloodsuckers , have a reddish colour and can be seen by the naked eye .
7 This one area in fish keeping gets more attention than any other as can be seen from what is available on the market nowadays .
8 Giving added sophistication to a range of kitchens where the emphasis is on quality , the turned wood spindles , galleried shelves , a dresser with bevelled glass doors , and the intricate touch of fretwork that can be seen in the photograph , are all features that make these two ranges very special indeed .
9 At New Winchelsea many of the thirty-nine squares or chequers into which the town-site had been divided in the 1280s were never built upon , but remained under grass and can be seen to this day .
10 It is her bust that can be seen on the façade today .
11 A window lets you control the information that can be seen at any one time .
12 The same thing as can be seen in certain breeds of dogs ; hip dysplasia is a typical example .
13 It is essentially a natural phenomenon that can be seen in any sort of complex physical activity , and the only important matter is to remember the restriction , specific to English , on voicing assimilation mentioned above .
14 This race is distinctly darker than our British bird and can be seen to good advantage on Sea-lion Island , the most southerly inhabited island in the Falklands .
15 Equality has been a powerful theme in British politics since the turn of the century and can be seen in practice in the high marginal rates of income tax in the postwar years reaching until recently a marginal tax of 83 per cent on earned income and 98 per cent on unearned income ; the drive to abolish private education and private health ; the ‘ euthanasia of the rentier ’ through rent control ; and the provision of state welfare services financed by taxation but free of charge at the time they are used .
16 The common hawker dragonfly also patrols this area looking for prey and can be seen from early June until late September .
17 The metamorphic gneisses throughout the Hebrides have been eroded to a gentle , undulating landscape as can be seen in central Lewis .
18 The molars are shaped in an upward arch as can be seen from photo one and it is these teeth that become sharp and need rasping .
19 The fineness of the detail that can be seen on the rasterized image depends on ( i ) the size of the pixels , termed the spatial resolution of the system , and ( ii ) the number of grey-levels that can be represented by the system .
20 Go through gate then bear right across field heading for stile that can be seen on skyline .
21 This slab of syncopated stupidity is receiving the heaviest of heavy MTV rotation and can be seen to fullest advantage bookending slurred appearances by that station 's in-house West Coast wastoid , Pauly Shore .
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