Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] he [verb] her to " in BNC.

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1 Claudia 's face mirrored her distress and he pulled her to him .
2 Breathless is his chattel and he orders her to his table .
3 They stepped off the kerb and Nicolo slipped his arm around Caroline 's waist as he guided her to the other side of the street .
4 Round and round , intermittently , through the days it spun , crystallising now and again — before breaking apart once more — into the essence of him , an image , like sudden flashes on a screen , of his diffident smile when they first met , the touch of his hand on her elbow as he guided her to a seat down that summer lane .
5 The dark face was a study in rueful amusement as he helped her to her feet to face the worried circle of fellow-diners and waiters hovering to offer assistance .
6 ‘ If the woman objects she is being hysterical and making a scene ’ ( 58/636 ) , an accusation that is demonstrated when Larissa and Armel quarrel about his extramarital sex life and he tells her to ‘ stop this hysterical rewriting of history ’ ( 76/654 ) .
7 Somewhere on another plane of existence she knew that he was pacing himself , tuning himself to her slower needs : that his tiny muted cries of painful frustration were evidence of his consideration as he aroused her to an aching , trembling plateau of desire .
8 ‘ I 'm normal now , ’ Maggie assured him in a fuzzy voice as he helped her to the bed and lifted her on to it .
9 The rope cut into her stomach as he bound her to the post from just beneath her breasts to below her navel .
10 He lifted her in his arms , his mouth still on hers with that fierce hot exploration as he carried her to the bed , slid her down on it , joined her .
11 Jenna murmured anxiously and his hand slid to her throat as he pulled her to his shoulder .
12 Appreciative though he was of Penny , ally though he felt her to be , there is between nineteen and twenty-three a great gulf fixed which prevented anything in the way of advances .
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