Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] you could [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It would , I hoped , create the illusion that you could see through the base , dispelling any impression there was an operator inside . ’
2 It was as green a light as you could get for the never-ending demands for U-turns from Mr Gould , followed by several Shadow Cabinet colleagues .
3 It 's even better money than you could earn in high season , so it is , but of course your father is n't Sir Thomas Bloody Breakspear and as rich as a pig in shit , so you need the money , while his Holiness here does n't .
4 An example of a chart that you could construct on a card , or in your diary is shown opposite .
5 Then came the International Section : an Indian family on the back of a lorry with a stove , the mother cooking real curry that you could smell in the air ; an Irish group , parents with bagpipes and children dressed as leprechauns ; a steel band from Trinidad .
6 It would do us far more honour if you could succeed in obtaining a post under some other great lord .
7 At the prices that were being charged would you go to Slaley Hall when you could go to Portugal ? ’
8 When the Dunner froze at low tide and you could skate from Odborough to Furness .
9 And you could walk fifty yards down the road and there 'd be somebody else building and you could walk on a say is that the job how much ?
10 Well these were the hottest place that you could work at the ovens of dough in the bread ovens .
11 You asked me to send a reminder so you could arrange for the stone cross to be cleaned before Remembrance Sunday in November .
12 The electricity cable laying to give 'em a job so you could play for the Ipswich Electric Supply Team and we had a jolly good team , we won the cup for the first three years that it was in being but the finals used to be on Portman Road and course that was in those days a thing to be looked forward to .
13 Although it may be too late to gather any more that season , you would at least have a permanent record so you could return in the following year to collect some more .
14 The ten diagonal chimneys rising from the steep pantiled roof are the finishing touch , making Allerthorpe as grand a farmhouse as you could find in all Yorkshire .
15 These are the limestone arres , and as unwelcoming a site as you could think of for a new resort .
16 is there a chance that you could work on this before Friday , and have a script .
17 A handsome yet sylvan prospect where you could promenade to the music of brass bands .
18 Either you should ask your spouse to enter into the covenant or you could enter into a Joint Deed of Covenant signed by both you and your spouse .
19 ‘ For people like my father the City was a lovely environment where you could meet for a drink , or have lunch and be with friends .
20 It was the actual feeling that you could walk down Railton Road and go to Brixton and you would meet several gay people in the street who would recognize you and probably kiss you .
21 I think I 'll give you some homework that you could do for the week .
22 And things like Time Out and so on , and City Limits , tried on the listings in the culture front seem to be seduced by , on the one hand , the need to simply provide information in terms of the listings , or then they felt some kind of twinge of conscience and had to be counter-balanced by radical politics on the other side , which produced a completely split , a paper that you could tear in half and read it as two sort of separate things , and erm and they always erm and something like that always felt
23 And the snow was so hard with the frost that you could walk over it with safety .
24 If you could turn to page if you could turn to page nine I think it is .
25 Your body simply does not need sugar and you could live without and come to no harm .
26 He did n't know you had to change $60 into cordobas at the official rate before you could get into the country .
27 we 've been slightly more amenable but invite to your club temerity to ask your Lordship rather me , but as I 'm on my feet , er ask your Lordship whether you could sit at all early on Friday as to help Mr er , I , I was little concerned to hear Mr say that he was going to wait for Mr he had responded because that would of course then extend more into Friday , it may be more sensible if Mr could have
28 Up an abrupt conical escarpment dotted with modern but pleasant villas was an olive-scattered plateau and as much tranquillity as you could wish for .
29 I should therefore esteem it a favour if you could speak to your friends along the lines I have indicated .
30 Marks and Spencers would n't take anyone on as a supplier unless you could produce at least two hundred dozen a week on one site .
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