Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] you [verb] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Like y'know we we 've mentioned organisational structure I think in the very first lecture er that idea , the idea that you 've got a kind of box at the top labelled president and you 've got two boxes underneath labelled vice president and you 've got y'know one box goes off to sales manager y'know the sort of thing I mean , okay ?
2 If you get stopped you lose possession and one big kick from the opposition and you 've lost position .
3 you fill out a little sheet of paper with the , with the names like John A , John B or whatever , so that if there 's another tape and you 've marked John B and they missed a word , or what what the word was and they there 's a chance that they might use it again later on you see .
4 Would you call it a deal until you have shaken hands ?
5 Erm , but I think P , er , budget review , or somebody needs to have a look at it , if you 've got budget review and you 've got people who , most of the people who were on the old working party know the background there anyway , seems as good a place as any to look at it .
6 Normal , rational , decently partisan punters open their doors just enough to get their noses through , growl a quick ‘ Yeah , you 're all right , mate ’ or ‘ Sod off , ’ and disappear back to the snooker before you 've got time to scribble a tick on your clipboard .
7 The answer is that the expanded memory driver that you have installed uses 12KBytes of conventional memory .
8 Put your hand out the window and you 've got frost I got .
9 Heavily shred your lettuce and you 've got tomato on as well , and it 's and cheese or whatever you
10 Especially I mean you 're in the nearside And you 've got limiters fitted now have you all of you ?
11 What goes in the end column after you 've got decimal multiply or divide ?
12 I would like to say in general Mr I think that as a Committee we should welcome this report which does , it really does er has done a very thorough job and ha a a and provides us now with a s understandable framework and and time scale work when you 've got target and when brought forward or shown to any member of the complex that that erm I think provisionally with the backlog of what is now ready to tackle the result onto our and commissioner is grant er , er grant , erm there will be , it will be like an enormous benefits not just in those areas that John has taken us to but in general atmosphere which kind of be very tense and competition and I think we 'll be , be seeing the action in this token er within it will be er target time , erm real pro real progress will be this I think the feeling of that will going , come by will , will , will be a lot of ruling er in this area and maybe even start to er leave the question from er as a result and the signal to the users of our serv , of the services and erm would go out of here in a planned way and in answer to er fairly speedily and you know what or reduce the erm the aggro .
13 And the most interesting thing is that er the consultees found it difficult to assess the extent of any additional cost arising from deregulation so you had a regulation you had a compliance cost assessment and you had employed people , consulted as to whether in fact that statutory instrument was gon na cost any more .
14 I mean , I 'm n this is no criticism because you , you could n't er , you 'd have taken up the whole hour if you 'd included examples .
15 Shall we leave it that I will consider making a direction at the next hearing in relation to that figure and the question of any interest thereon but will defer any such er decision until you 've had time to consider it .
16 Yes , I , I mean , I think , I do n't want to come in there , but I think the difference between the point that you 've made Mr and , and some of the others is the district auditor has n't put a thing in a box .
17 It means that you do n't get the good views of the Cove until you 've reached Malham Beck , but I think that it 's better doing the walk this way round than going at it clockwise and having to clamber down the scar .
18 ‘ It would have been more to the point if you 'd attacked Ryan , ’ he said brutally , ‘ because , despite your lousy opinion of me , I 've done nothing to deliberately hurt you .
19 You scratched your nose and you 've got acid on them gloves .
20 Sadly , unless you 're lucky enough to have a machine with a powerful processor and a large hard disk and you 've got wads of cash for each of these £300-plus packages , then it seems your dreams will come to nothing .
21 So in that context the argument would n't arise , therefore any sale of the shares would take place after you 've got hold of the grant and it may be necessary for other reasons like you 've got bills to pay or a mortgage to discharge , whatever the reasons .
22 ‘ You saw him on Friday evening after you 'd rung Rosemary . ’
23 Do n't be discouraged by this , as it is a good sign that you have stretched muscles that have not been used for some time .
24 You , you 're in red and you 've got glasses an and you 're looking , you 're keep on looking down and round and but it 's you I would like to hear from yes what have you written ?
25 You cos you I think you you you 've got pride and you 've got determination and you 've got some pzazz .
26 Well , I 've got just a mouthful and you 've got loads left Susan .
27 When we talked to party workers at the county council elections there was a feeling that you have lost touch with the grass roots of the party .
28 Do n't plan on an early start next morning once you 've found Sango 's !
29 " Fraid so , " her mother answered , " Corn Flakes in plenty , though , and you could do yourself an egg if you 've got time .
30 You were so keen to get all that Lego and you 've got tons of Lego and yo you 're not playing with it .
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