Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] i [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 erm , you have , I have n't , and erm , there was a photograph that I cut out of the paper sometime before he abdicated , over the Prince of Wales at the races with Mrs Simpson .
2 ‘ It was made in his atelier so I went over for the fittings and in those years I was very sure of myself .
3 I thought he must have gone a bit ga-ga but there was no harm so I went up to my room and did my hair a bit .
4 It was having the same sorts of mainly damaging effects on people 's personal lives and on their family lives and so on , and in research that I carried out in Brighton erm over the past three or four years we were looking at these effects — how they were affecting unemployed people in Brighton — and trying to explain them .
5 I made a gallon or so of tea until I ran out of milk , then a pot of black coffee , and pressed every cup and mug in Sunil 's fitted kitchen into service .
6 Behind me his body began to beat against the stern of the boat , and as I turned toward him I saw Rachel from the corner of my eye begin to clamber up from her seat and I called out to her to stay sitting and not to stand but she laughed lightly and tossed back her head and I felt Casey behind me clambering into the boat .
7 Paddy handed me a mug of tea and I sat down on a jerry-can .
8 One day I was out working the streets , I went with this punter and I went back to his place .
9 In a police statement Conley , of Park End , said : ‘ I saw Wayne by the fence and I walked over to him .
10 A call of nature interrupted my pleasure and I went out to the necessary house behind the tavern , nothing more than a hole in the ground enclosed by a shabby wooden palisade and a door which bolted from the inside .
11 He said , Let's get in here and we got in , he got into one bunk at one side and I got in to t other .
12 For the last 100 feet I seemed to drop out of the sky — the flat roof of a house came rushing up at me , and just as I was about to land on it , it dodged to one side and I ended up in a little patch of green wheat .
13 which was quicker , took her down to the mission , she stayed in the car till I went up to the mission to get our money signed for our money and come out and er
14 My Rudd Cup football medal would nestle in its cotton wool till I got back in the holidays .
15 I get told off by my girlfriend because I wake up in the morning and the first thing I say is , ‘ Flippin' heck , have you sent those newsletters off yet ? . ’
16 I tell you something I was amazed at erm the reading book he appeared with , Fluff and Nip and goodness knows what that went out with the ark when I came out of college , I do n't know whether they 're all reading that or whether it 's just sort of found them and must of been just perhaps a one off or something , but , I was amazed
17 My only emotion as I went back into the box was cold rage .
18 ‘ I knew very little about Irish League football when I came back from Nottingham Forest , except that Linfield and Glentoran were the top two clubs .
19 You could no longer do the things I 'd taken for granted , like making a cup of tea and sitting down for a gossip when I came in from college .
20 He told me that he liked my playing and that he would give me a ring when I got back to Milwaukee , and about three to four months later we actually formed a band and went on tour .
21 Then I ate the sandwich as I walked back to Wavebreaker .
22 Most of the people I went with took mountain bikes and they envied me the Pioneer as I sped along with far less effort that they had to use .
23 I felt very much the wallflower as I crept out of the room without speaking to anyone , my books held tightly against my chest in a way which , I was to learn , was feminine and wrong for a man .
24 When I eventually arrived back at Duxford , I had exactly the same amount of fuel on board that I flew out with ! ’
25 It was only after I 'd stopped doing that and gone into the corner to have a piss that I looked over into the other corner where there was a pile of rusty cans and old bottles ; there I saw the jagged stripes of the sleeping snake .
26 The figures that I quoted were given in a written answer to a question that I put down about the cutbacks in regional preferential assistance .
27 And he was n't in today I mean came into work and I passed out in the . .
28 The bar was full , I could see that through the saloon window and I went round to the yard at the rear .
29 The teachers made us go out to play in the snowbound playground and I joined in with all the fun , sliding around in the snow and slush , throwing snowballs , all the usual things .
30 I could n't hold the car on the clutch and I rolled back down the hill , getting very embarrassed , especially when a man had to help me push the car up the hill again !
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