Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] it [modal v] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Saddest export a convoy of lorries begins the long journey to China and , inset , the furnace as it used to be at the height of production Picture : VIC CLEVELEY
2 Its reason for treating consensual anal intercourse separately is stated thus : ‘ This distinctive conduct has such potentialities of physical and psychological damage that it ought to be distinguished from lesser forms of sexual conduct . ’
3 And we used to have what they call er a stick and goos it used to I remember we used to have sti what you call stick and goos It was like a great long thing like that and you used to have a stick and it used to be on the floor and you just tap it and and hit it like that and it goes
4 Cup board cos it used to be just a just a shelf just a board with some hooks on it hang your cups on it .
5 By my bed there 's a wall and it used to be covered in orange- flowered wallpaper .
6 Well , th yes , well that 's it , they are going facing the station and it used to be so much prettier than it is now .
7 The gates are usually locked at night and it used to be fairly standard practice that people going in and out had to identify themselves .
8 ‘ Nothing 's so much fun as it used to be , ’ said Camille , for no apparent reason .
9 But I think you have to say the club 's just not as much as an event as it used to be .
10 I still got this little housewife feeling that it ought to be ready when you come in the door you know .
11 If people come to expect that interest rates will normally be higher than they used to be , then any given interest rate will seem lower relative to the ‘ normal ’ rate than it used to be .
12 I was put off it from an early age because it used to be used in the by-lines in the Daily Telegraph and it sort of and it looked a bit wrong .
13 The whole area was much dryer than it used to be , and Edward suspected that something had interfered with the water table ; there had been nesting moorhens at one time — now only the occasional toad was left .
14 Well it used to be er one road used to be called Meadow Flats , and then you go a little way down another road and it used to be called the bottoms .
15 Baking as it used to be ’ the cake 's cardboard wrapper proudly claimed , but the ingredients seemed more in tune with modern technology than the farmhouse kitchen .
16 Bathrooms and modern amenities were added to them all but great care was taken to ensure the original character of the buildings was retained , and in fact the original ambience has been left so intact as to produce a veritable living museum of simple , rustic life as it used to be .
17 A visitor can wander through rooms which reincarnate life as it used to be lived over the last centuries .
18 While " the university is now immensely more important in the education of the nation than it used to be " ,
19 Other establishments followed their example , with the result that Jerusalem is a less cheerless city than it used to be .
20 There is no doubt in Sir Adrian 's mind that it is more demanding today being a top executive than it used to be .
21 Now that fitted cupboards are commonplace in the home , storage is less of a problem than it used to be , but shelving and cupboards in living rooms , dining rooms and bedrooms is always useful .
22 ‘ It is n't the stigma that it used to be and — ’
23 Yah , they 're taking it off the satellite and it used to be there was always the seven o'clock news , except in central side when it was always the six o'clock news , but now it 's on at like any old time , five thirty , six thirty , seven .
24 Dudley , is maths today taught in schools the same way as it used to be ?
25 Did in fact with the Greater York districts initially take a view that it ought to be eight miles .
26 It 's a good castrating because it used to be a bit of a
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