Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] it [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Now the diode is reverse biased and the capacitor can charge until the feedback makes the output switch back to its original saturation level where it remains in the absence of a further trigger pulse .
2 And it has to make up its mind where it stands in the matter of the European Community .
3 Then , grasping the shoe and using its heel as a club , smite the biscuit tin lid with such force that it flies across the room and the egg plops into the glass , unbroken .
4 Barking ferociously , the big Great Dane rushed from the rear of the house , skidded around the corner and hurled herself at the gate with such force that it creaked under the impact .
5 If tourism is to be properly recognised as Scotland 's largest employer , and recognised for the very considerable revenue that it brings into the country , it must first be given higher priority within the Scottish Office itself .
6 It is probable that in retrospect he gave that factor more weight than it carried at the time .
7 The hon. Member for Foyle ( Mr. Hume ) has , much more eloquently than I could , told us of the damage that it does and the effect that it has on the young people of Northern Ireland because it gives them a future of either migration or unemployment .
8 It must have the additional power of a moral code based on a religion , and there is no part of human affairs in which this applies with more force than it does in the matter of child rearing .
9 Accordingly , the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a government exists as the government of a state are : ( a ) whether it is the constitutional government of the state ; ( b ) the degree , nature and stability of administrative control , if any , that it of itself exercises over the territory of the state ; ( c ) whether Her Majesty 's Government has any dealings with it and if so what is the nature of those dealings ; and ( d ) in marginal cases , the extent of international recognition that it has as the government of the state .
10 Apart from a small stain on the edge this came up in almost the bright and shiny condition that it appears in the illustration .
11 A crossed cheque therefore gives some protection against fraud if it falls into the wrong hands .
12 However , the back of the prostate is adjacent to the anterior wall of the rectum , and by gently massaging the gland from inside the rectum , a bead of fluid can be expressed and ‘ milked ’ along the urethra until it appears at the urethral meatus .
13 Ultimately , their efforts brought those ‘ Peace People ’ the Nobel Peace Prize in December 1977 , but controversy over that award added to the movement 's inability to sustain its momentum and it faded from the newspaper front pages .
14 She picked it up , misjudged its weight and it fell to the floor with a thud .
15 It 's , it 's really stocking stitch cos it came from the stocking machine did n't it ?
16 But having rejected a compromise which , for boxing , was about as good as it gets , he ca n't continue claiming innocence if it leads to the heavyweight division again disintegrating into chaos .
17 The room was rippling with the sounds of their scuffle as they fought in bitter silence , knocking into wooden furniture , she trying to get away , he trying to get her to the bed until they fell against a nightstand and it crashed to the floor .
18 The rear wall of the churchyard loomed ahead of the figure and it sprang for the top .
19 During the course of the evening , the larger fish bumped the small one in the side and it floated in the tank , dead .
20 As the fish enters the gullet , the mucus clings closely to the skin of the fish as well as the walls of the gullet and it closes behind the disappearing tail , thus preventing any salt water from entering the stomach .
21 The law , the most draconian to have been passed by any mainland state , could not take immediate effect because it conflicted with the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision — the foundation of legalized abortion in the USA .
22 He also said that he would not undertake to follow best practice while it differs from the operational guidelines .
23 ‘ ABTA requires an operator to bond total turnover whether it falls within the scope of the Directive or not , ’ says Highlife 's Hilton Pyle , ‘ and we do n't dabble in client insurance , as more than 80 per cent of sales are from travel agents , and we do n't want to take away their premiums .
24 As a result most of our large towns had their select residences on the western side , in positions where they received the benefit of the prevailing wind before it passed over the town or city ; the poorer population residing on the eastern side .
25 It still ran away from him but he grabbed it again at the second attempt before it went over the line and the chance had gone .
26 Such variation reflects as much on the Authority 's style and the quality of its thinking as it does on the heads , and there is a clear need for much greater dialogue between the two levels .
27 Proof that the XM performs just as admirably on the financial side as it does on the road .
28 Ultimately , a figure of £2,500 per episode was fixed by the planners , a result which had as much effect on the script side as it did on the production values .
29 The leading vehicle , driven by Fire Chief Bob Wallace , reinforced by short lengths of steel girder welded across its front , lost not a yard of its gathering momentum as it smashed through the inner set of gates , flinging them wide to hang drunkenly from their torn hinges .
30 Starlings , which are active during the day , lock onto melatonin when it coincides with the end of their activity .
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