Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] we [vb mod] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Paddy and I shared the neurosis of spending longer than necessary calculating where we would be on what date if we maintained that day 's speed .
2 A few of our members have prepared very good speeches which they present locally and it would be my hope that we may be in a position in the not too distant future to have a professionally prepared audio/visual promotional aide .
3 I would like to hear from anyone who works in this field and we could be of mutual assistance .
4 ‘ There are grilles high up in the walls , so whatever happens do n't make a sound or we 'll be in a cell so fast your head will spin . ’
5 ‘ He has damaged the ligaments but the nature of the injury makes us more hopeful of recovery than we would be from some ankle injuries . ’
6 ‘ I 'll just go and tell Emmanuel to mind the shop and we 'll be on our way . ’
7 ‘ But it only needs one or two players to malfunction and we 'll be in trouble .
8 ‘ Two games against Barnsley have been tight this season and we must be on our guard .
9 Okay get that dialling digit busy , we 're waiting for your call and we 'll be onto the lucky winner as soon as the competition closes .
10 Another reason that we should be against the Labour party is that we should not put them in a position to buck the trend .
11 And maybe an hour after we 'd be on three quarter rivets .
12 I agree with the Prime Minister that we must be at the heart of Europe , working with our partners to build Europe 's future .
13 ‘ If everything proves satisfactory we should begin construction of the cable network at the end of the year and we should be in a position to provide some services from the spring of next year , ’ he said .
14 Unfazed by the fact that we may be off making a cuppa when his big moment hits the screens , Des has set his sights on playing James Bond in Goldblender , perhaps ?
15 On the other there was the undoubted fact that we would be on the receiving end .
16 Rain before sunset and we 'll be in shelter .
17 As I 'm sure you 'll understand , when I first came to see this awful situation I was consumed with a feeling of frustration — knowing , as I did then , that it could be some time before we 'd be in a position to intervene .
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